

Alex Kinneer

  • Login: ajknv
  • Registered on: 08/14/2018
  • Last sign in: 04/25/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 6 2 8



02:21 PM Foreman Bug #36329 (Closed): Cache reads from redis raise "incompatible marshal file format" exception
Foreman writes notification data to the (redis) cache as raw JSON, but then attempts to read them back using the cach... Alex Kinneer


08:53 PM Foreman Feature #25905 (New): Organizations and locations need better documentation, especially examples
Based on trial-and-error attempts at usage and associated discovery of apparent bugs (25902, 25903), it is unclear wh... Alex Kinneer
08:46 PM Foreman Feature #25904 (Need more information): Need integration of organizations and locations with discovery plugin
The discovery plugin is effectively not integrated with the organizations and locations mechanism of Foreman. All dis... Alex Kinneer
08:38 PM Foreman Bug #25903 (New): Organizations/locations "select all" fails to actually attach membership to the target entities
The UI exposes a 'select all' option for organizations and locations (this corresponds to 'ignore_types' in the API).... Alex Kinneer
08:33 PM Foreman Bug #25902 (New): Unable to use inherited subnets, domains, and environments from child organizations
The UI treats a child organization (& location) as inheriting the subnets, domains, and environments from the parent,... Alex Kinneer


08:46 PM Foreman Bug #25836 (New): API permits removal of "primary" property from interface; blocks all further management of interface
Issued an API PUT call to "hosts/<ID>/interfaces/<ID>" to set the "primary" property to False (in an effort to try to... Alex Kinneer
08:13 PM Foreman Bug #25835 (New): API: Search constraints don't work on "hosts/:host_id/interfaces" endpoint.
Specifying a "search" query parameter on this endpoint does not produce filtered results, as with various other API q... Alex Kinneer


03:01 PM SELinux Support #24616: Passenger does not transition into passenger_t domain
Attached the requested log data. Alex Kinneer


04:34 PM SELinux Support #24616: Passenger does not transition into passenger_t domain
I was out for a few days, but issue still appears to be reproducible for me. This is my answers file:... Alex Kinneer


03:01 PM SELinux Support #24616: Passenger does not transition into passenger_t domain
I haven't installed any custom repositories. The steps listed in the description are literally all that I did -- and ... Alex Kinneer

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