

Dustin Crowl

  • Login: dcfrmn
  • Registered on: 08/24/2018
  • Last sign in: 06/11/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 2 3



02:59 PM Packaging Bug #30111 (Rejected): Unsatisfied requires in tfm-rubygem-logging
Attempting to update to Foreman 2.0.1, and I am getting an unsatisfied dependency requirement due to another package ... Dustin Crowl


05:36 PM Installer Feature #25858 (Duplicate): Katello Database Options
As a user, I would like to use a database other than PostgreSQL. Documentation lists PostgreSQL as the only database ... Dustin Crowl


01:13 PM Foreman Remote Execution Feature #24714: Support for non-ssh agent provider
No worries, I appreciate it! Dustin Crowl


05:04 PM Foreman Remote Execution Feature #24714: Support for non-ssh agent provider
Essentially, I am trying to solve the problem of using remote execution within an environment where SSH is so heavily... Dustin Crowl
03:02 PM Foreman Remote Execution Feature #24714 (New): Support for non-ssh agent provider
As a user, I would like to use asynchronous execution methods. These would be similar to the osa-dispatcher/osad model. Dustin Crowl

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