

Jon Fautley


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 10 11



06:26 AM Boot disk Revision 74442505 (foreman_bootdisk): fixes #3562 - use MAC when requesting iPXE template to support NAT
Jon Fautley


03:47 PM Boot disk Feature #3562 (Closed): Default template "Boot disk gPXE - host" should use host MAC address when requesting gPXE template from Foreman
The 'chain' line should be changed to something along the lines of:
chain <%= (u = URI.parse(foreman_url("gPXE"));...
Jon Fautley
02:28 PM Boot disk Bug #3558: Default template "Boot disk gPXE - host" doesn't work due to iPXE DNS requirements
Silly advanced formatting, the above should read:... Jon Fautley
02:27 PM Boot disk Bug #3558 (Closed): Default template "Boot disk gPXE - host" doesn't work due to iPXE DNS requirements
The default host specific gPXE template contains the following:
--- 8< ---
# Note, iPXE can only use one DNS serv...
Jon Fautley


08:15 PM Boot disk Bug #3247 (Closed): ruby193-rubygem-foreman_bootdisk should depend on genisoimage
After installing the RPM for foreman-bootdisk and attempting to generate an ISO image, you will observe the following... Jon Fautley


12:37 PM Foreman Bug #2668 (New): Foreman appears to be incorrectly checking the local resolvers rather than SOA
It would appear that Foreman is checking the existence of DNS records (A/PTR, for provisioning) by querying the resol... Jon Fautley


06:02 AM Foreman Bug #2281 (Closed): Don't allow 'administrator' permission for internal 'admin' user to be removed
Currently, it's possible to remove the 'Administrator' permission from the internal admin user account. Doing so prev... Jon Fautley


04:49 PM Foreman Feature #2214 (Duplicate): Specifying host IP address should not be mandatory for unmanaged DNS/DHCP subnets
We have a setup whereby we deploy (RHEL) virtual machines (using libvirt+foreman) onto networks where we are only abl... Jon Fautley


04:32 PM Foreman Feature #378 (Closed): Multiple Kickstart Files/Profiles
It would be exceptionally useful to have the ability to tie a specific kickstart file to an individual host group.
Jon Fautley


09:38 PM Foreman Feature #362 (Closed): Expose defined host list via query interface
RFE: Extend the query interface to provide a list of all defined hosts.
The current setup requires specifying a fact...
Jon Fautley

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