

Michael Schiessl

  • Login: estradis
  • Registered on: 01/11/2019
  • Last sign in: 05/09/2019


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 1 3



09:54 AM Foreman Bug #26659 (New): Cannot assign some hosts to VM.
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but the behavior is reproducible every time with the same VMs.
At office, I used VM...
Michael Schiessl


07:16 AM Foreman Bug #25870: Foreman can't differentiate VMware VMs if they were manually copied (not cloned)!
Also applies to ddb.uuid in each virtual hard disk of the copied VM. Michael Schiessl


03:09 PM Foreman Bug #25870: Foreman can't differentiate VMware VMs if they were manually copied (not cloned)!
Oh Jesus, what's wrong with me today?
Accidently deleted 'Found in Releases' => re-added.
Michael Schiessl
03:08 PM Foreman Bug #25870: Foreman can't differentiate VMware VMs if they were manually copied (not cloned)!
I can't believe I set the wrong category. My apologies for that. I'm definitely overloaded with work.
Yes, it is v...
Michael Schiessl
02:35 PM Foreman Bug #25870: Foreman can't differentiate VMware VMs if they were manually copied (not cloned)!
Set forgotten category. Michael Schiessl


10:35 AM Foreman Bug #25870 (New): Foreman can't differentiate VMware VMs if they were manually copied (not cloned)!
At home I use a single ESXi server (v6.5) without vCenter. To clone VMs there, I have to manually copy and rename the... Michael Schiessl


01:15 PM Installer Bug #25842 (Closed): DNS resolver should not be case sensitive
I'm totally new here, so I'd like to say kindly hello to the project team in first.
I installed foreman on a bare ...
Michael Schiessl

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