

Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan

  • Login: sseelaml
  • Registered on: 05/20/2019
  • Last sign in: 02/24/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 19 20
Reported issues 0 11 11



11:01 PM Katello Feature #28971 (Closed): Add link to Entitlements Expiring Soon report to the "Subscriptions expiring soon" email notification
Applied in changeset commit:katello|717285d2b99dde8afc14907888b84637bbc5ac7d. Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan
10:16 PM Katello Revision 717285d2 (katello): Fixes #28971 - Generating and adding entitlements expiring soon report link in the email notification
Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan


11:01 PM Katello Feature #28969 (Closed): Add "Subscriptions expiring soon" email to Email Preferences
Applied in changeset commit:katello|6e8e18024279010fd4293bab8d14c5d877262e7a. Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan
10:48 PM Katello Revision 6e8e1802 (katello): Fixes #28969 - Adding 'Subscriptions expiring soon' email to email preferences
Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan


11:01 PM Katello Feature #29149 (Closed): Provide informative message when using the auto-attach API while in Simple Content Access
Applied in changeset commit:katello|c073f4854724809fc74ddae0d9aa2bfafba4d812. Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan
10:39 PM Katello Revision c073f485 (katello): Fixes #29149 - Informative message in auto-attach api when Organization is in Simple Content Access mode
Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan


08:06 PM Katello Feature #29149 (Closed): Provide informative message when using the auto-attach API while in Simple Content Access
This change displays an error message that auto-attach is disabled when API to auto-attach subscriptions is called in... Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan


11:01 PM Katello Bug #28659 (Closed): Page should auto-refresh after subscriptions have been modified on the webui
Applied in changeset commit:katello|aa41e9dab385884a025829f50f675f5b48b8cb97. Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan
10:35 PM Katello Revision aa41e9da (katello): Fixes #28659 - show correct subscriptions after delete
Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan


04:43 PM Katello Feature #28778 (Closed): Disable auto-attach for Host Collection while in Simple Content Access
Disabling auto attach button and changing the text near the button in subscription management for host collections wh... Swetha Seelam Lakshmi Narayanan

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