yifat makias
- Login: yifatmakias
- Registered on: 09/05/2019
- Last sign in: 09/12/2021
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 4 | 96 | 100 |
Reported issues | 5 | 60 | 65 |
Project | Roles | Registered on |
Hammer CLI | Manager, Developer | 09/05/2019 |
KubeVirt | Manager, Developer | 09/05/2019 |
virt-who configure | Developer | 09/10/2019 |
11:09 AM KubeVirt Bug #33392 (New): Outdated certificate is accepted when creating new CR
- Description of problem:
Creating new KubeVirt CR with outdated certificate works but it shouldn't, as the certificat...
08:15 AM Hammer CLI Feature #28836 (Closed): Allow multiple disassociating of provisioning templates
11:19 AM Hammer CLI Revision 53ef0aec: Merge pull request #354 from ofedoren/bug-33129-align-long-descs
- Fixes #33129 - Wrap option descriptions to 80 chars
08:08 AM Ansible Bug #33218 (Closed): Only ansible config jobs should run in check mode
- Applied in changeset commit:smart_proxy_ansible|d5790d2f062dc0e430bcfda4ab4d31d4fbc99d57.
07:49 AM Ansible Revision d5790d2f (smart_proxy_ansible): Fixes #33218 - Only ansible config jobs now run in check mode
12:08 PM Foreman Bug #32908 (Closed): Foreman error on retrieving networks/vnics from oVirt if description contains non ascii characters
- Applied in changeset commit:foreman|4ca8b61018fa9003f767f21d7a5ec4a9444c6855.
11:29 AM Foreman Revision 4ca8b610 (foreman): Fixes #32908 - Allow UTF character in vnic attributes
- If vnic profile attributes contained UTF characters the to_json method
returned error. In order to support this passe...
09:31 AM Hammer CLI Revision 581378e1: Merge pull request #352 from ofedoren/ref-33226-api-docs-opts
- Fixes #33226 - Make API docs params to be the main options
11:14 AM Hammer CLI Revision 73a3c556: Merge pull request #351 from ofedoren/ref-33225-opt-depr-way
- Fixes #33225 - Show depr warning only on option usage
10:15 AM Hammer CLI Revision d0bedb1a: Merge pull request #350 from ofedoren/bug-32783-add-new-section
- Fixes #32783 - Extract descs to option details section
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