

Manuel Laug

  • Login: laugmanuel
  • Registered on: 02/06/2020
  • Last sign in: 11/22/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 3 4 7



08:31 AM Webhooks Bug #35777 (New): @object is not available in build_entered.event.foreman
I want to run a webhook on host *destroy* and *build_entered* events to update a third-party system and remove the ol... Manuel Laug


11:15 AM Foreman Bug #33257 (Resolved): Getting /apidoc/v2.json results in a broken Foreman GUI (500 Internal Server Error)
Tomer Brisker wrote:
> Manual, is this in production or development environment? If it's development it might be a d...
Manuel Laug


11:32 AM Foreman Bug #33257 (Resolved): Getting /apidoc/v2.json results in a broken Foreman GUI (500 Internal Server Error)
When using apipie (e.g. FAM, ...) or getting the apidoc manually with curl, the Foreman GUI is broken afterwards.
Manuel Laug


11:01 AM Foreman Bug #33124 (New): Sidekiq Orchestrator gets killed by systemd if Redis lock can't be aquired
Currently, the sidekiq orchestrator uses a Redis lock to mark itself as the active instance.
If a second orchestrato...
Manuel Laug


09:50 AM Foreman Bug #32842 (Closed): MAC Adress gets removed when using VM Import
If using VM Import, the Mac Adress gets removed whenever any parameter with callback is changed (e.g. taxonomy, hostg... Manuel Laug


01:27 PM Foreman Feature #30930 (Closed): Allow parent and children in Hostgroup jail
We want to use some relatively complex logic in our provision templates to extract host names from our hostgroup stru... Manuel Laug


10:08 PM Foreman Remote Execution Feature #30424 (New): Permission filter for create_template_invocations based on host_owner
We currently only support filtering the permission _create_template_invocations_ based on _host_group name_ and _host... Manuel Laug


06:55 AM Foreman Remote Execution Bug #25178: jobs fails even if all subtasks succeeds
I can confirm the issue with Foreman 1.24.3, foreman_remote_execution 2.0.8 and foreman_memcache 0.1.1 Manuel Laug


09:51 AM Katello Bug #29689: Katello Scenario with external database fails during migration
Just a small note: This behaviour only happens when the latency to the database is relatively high (about ~80ms rtt). Manuel Laug


02:22 PM Katello Bug #29689 (Closed): Katello Scenario with external database fails during migration
When defining an external database for Foreman, Candlepin and Pulpcore via _custom-hiera.yaml_ the installer fails du... Manuel Laug

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