

vi won

  • Login: nixfu
  • Registered on: 02/19/2020
  • Last sign in: 03/01/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 4 6



03:57 PM Foreman Bug #37215: Getting "undefined method '#id' for NilClass::Jail (NilClass)" error when generating Ansible inventory report
Did some testing. We use this as well to sync inventory from Foreman->AWX. It seems to only happen when "Content At... vi won


05:15 PM Katello Bug #37105 (Duplicate): Running Smatproxy UpdateContentCounts fails on smartproxies with ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::ProgramLimitExceeded: ERROR: index row requires 9280 bytes, maximum size is 8191
We have a a fairly large environment.
It seems the UpdateContentCounts did not plan for an environment as big as...
vi won


07:23 AM Discovery Revision cc376461 (foreman-discovery-image): Add tcpdump to 20-packages.ks
Having tcpdump on the discovery image is extremely useful to diagnose if a discovered system is connected to correct ... vi won


04:24 PM Katello Feature #35991 (Rejected): Add logging of URL's for pulp3 downloads
It sure would be nice if the Katello team would work with pulp to add the ability to log the URL's of downloads. Rig... vi won


02:54 PM Katello Bug #31851 (Resolved): Katello should be able to use only https even for unprotected pulp repos
Right now, Katello uses the idea that all protected repos, which require client SSL cert authentication via subscript... vi won


03:28 PM Katello Feature #31476 (New): When publishing new content view version, make the new version number editable on the web page where user can enter description before kicking off the publish
When a user clicks publish new version of a content view, the version number is currently automatically assigned and ... vi won


05:44 PM Discovery Bug #29071: systemd.logind keeps failing/restarting during boot of discovery image
OK, oddly enough we have narrowed this down to this.
If you are on a connection which is slow and trying to use th...
vi won
01:43 PM Discovery Bug #30478 (Resolved): Kexec does not handle NEW/OLD discovered IP
Finally got around to updating to Foreman 2.1 and discovered a new behavior.
If you use the Discovery IS...
vi won


05:08 PM Discovery Bug #29071 (New): systemd.logind keeps failing/restarting during boot of discovery image
I experienced this for the first time. systemd.logind was starting/crashing in a loop on bootup of the discovery ima... vi won

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