

Florent Castelli

  • Login: Orphis
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  • Registered on: 05/09/2012
  • Last sign in: 11/13/2012


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 0 5 5



04:43 AM Foreman Bug #1607 (Closed): REST API calls /hosts/:id/puppetclasses fails with postgres
Applied in changeset commit:"cbf4be7cfaee8c2b82c833f0f24e914ab50ef238". Florent Castelli
03:30 AM Foreman Revision cbf4be7c (foreman): Fixes puppetclasses search with pg database
The request is sorting the results on a field that isn't in the DISTINCT
SELECT'ed columns and pg doesn't like it.
Florent Castelli


08:54 AM Foreman Bug #1607: REST API calls /hosts/:id/puppetclasses fails with postgres
Covered by this patch: Florent Castelli
03:58 AM Foreman Revision e96cd6fc (foreman): Send error messages through JSON instead of just {"errors":[]}
Florent Castelli


11:53 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1654 (Closed): Failed to list puppet environments: hash modified during iteration
Applied in changeset commit:"d54d06863ed6f91ff32e7aac09eed6eec95cbd1c". Florent Castelli
07:36 AM Smart Proxy Revision d54d0686: Don't modify the hash we are iterating on when listing environments fixes #1654
Florent Castelli
07:35 AM Smart Proxy Revision b08f131c: Filter folders matching correct environments name
"Environment names should only contain alphanumeric characters and
underscores, and are case-sensitive"
Florent Castelli


06:51 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1655: Failed to list puppet environments: Attempting to initialize global default settings more than once!
Probably related to puppet 3 Florent Castelli
06:03 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1655 (Resolved): Failed to list puppet environments: Attempting to initialize global default settings more than once!
Happens with smart-proxy git when trying to import classes and environments twice from foreman without restarting sma... Florent Castelli
06:01 AM Smart Proxy Bug #1654 (Closed): Failed to list puppet environments: hash modified during iteration
Happens when trying to import environments and classes from foreman git using smart-proxy git.
Probably because of li...
Florent Castelli

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