

Danny Van de Pol

  • Login: dvdp
  • Registered on: 07/06/2020
  • Last sign in: 02/02/2023


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Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 0 2



01:07 PM Katello Bug #30645: Oops, we're sorry but something went wrong undefined method `kickstart_repository_id' for #<Hostgroup:0x000000001eaed558> Did you mean? kickstart_repository kickstart_repository= kickstart_repository_name kickstart_repository_name=
Kevin V wrote:
> hostgroups table was missing a few columns. I added them manually and this issue was gone.
Danny Van de Pol


07:00 AM Foreman Bug #30953: openstack compute resource / profile returning connect_write timeout
Getting the same 'connect_write timeout' whenever I click the 'Virtual Machine' tab while trying to create a new host... Danny Van de Pol


02:10 PM Foreman Bug #30953 (New): openstack compute resource / profile returning connect_write timeout
When I add an openstack compute resource, the 'Test connection' button always returns a 'connect_write timeout...
Danny Van de Pol


11:36 AM Foreman Bug #30325: Host groups not filtered on selected location
Well, I figured it out. I guess with 'Default location' you mean 'Any location' ?
Anyway - turned out that in the ...
Danny Van de Pol


08:25 AM Foreman Bug #30325: Host groups not filtered on selected location
Likewise, when provisioning a host, after setting a location the host group dropdown menu shows all host groups inste... Danny Van de Pol


12:42 PM Foreman Bug #30325 (New): Host groups not filtered on selected location
I'm a bit surprised this hasn't been flagged before (unless my searches were inadequate):
if I set a location in the...
Danny Van de Pol

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