

marcelo veglienzone

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  • Registered on: 08/06/2012
  • Last sign in: 08/07/2012


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 1 4



02:58 PM Foreman Revision 94240a18 (foreman): fixes #4340 - 1.5 fix: Unassigned hosts outside stats box
Decided for auto instead since hidden could potentially clip content. Auto
will add a scrollbar if need be but should...
marcelo veglienzone


05:19 PM Foreman Feature #6320 (New): Filter PXE templates per hardware
It would be great to be able to automatically assign a specific PXE template according to the machine hardware, for i... marcelo veglienzone


05:35 PM Foreman Bug #6295 (New): Duplicated drop box entries
After enabling and using organizations it looks like every drop box in the UI has duplicated entries, the same happen... marcelo veglienzone


09:54 AM Website Revision 3960a474 (theforemanorg): added recommendation for rpmconf
marcelo veglienzone


01:00 PM Foreman Feature #6094 (New): Ability to add usergroups to organizations
At this time we are only able to add users to organizations, ideally we should be able to add entire usergroups to re... marcelo veglienzone


01:39 PM Foreman Bug #6065: Inverting the admin flag has no effect on menu cache
I can confirm the patch works as expected. marcelo veglienzone


06:43 PM Foreman Bug #5652 (Closed): vmWare Compute Resources not being honored
Steps to reproduce:
Create a VMware compute resource
Create a compute profile without thin provision...
marcelo veglienzone


03:14 PM Foreman Bug #4324: VMware NIC type incorrectly shows E1000 instead of vmxnet3
Just saw the new version which supposedly fixed all this marcelo veglienzone
03:04 PM Foreman Bug #4324: VMware NIC type incorrectly shows E1000 instead of vmxnet3
The same applies to the hard disk, no matter what you mark it's always set to thin provisioning ( it even happens whe... marcelo veglienzone


03:55 PM Foreman Feature #1194: Support hooking into host creation/deletion
I would like to see something like this to have foreman update freeipa upon host creation marcelo veglienzone

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