

Pablo Hess

  • Login: phess
  • Registered on: 09/18/2020
  • Last sign in: 12/31/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 3 6
Reported issues 3 4 7



05:44 PM Installer Bug #38119 (Rejected): When the "server_ca_cert" is set and has an empty line, it will fail
h1. Problem Statement
When the "server_ca_cert" is set and has an empty line, it will fail.
h1. User Experience...
Pablo Hess


08:29 PM Foreman Feature #34781: Foreman-rake script to push to pulp (2 or 3) all or a subset of all repositories known to katello/foreman
Can this please be moved to katello? This was requested on github, as the PR applies to katello, not foreman. Pablo Hess
08:29 PM Foreman Feature #34780: Foreman-rake script to provide a "diff" between 2 different Content Views or 2 versions of the same Content View
Can this please be moved to katello? This was requested on github, as the PR applies to katello, not foreman. Pablo Hess


08:52 PM Foreman Feature #34781 (Ready For Testing): Foreman-rake script to push to pulp (2 or 3) all or a subset of all repositories known to katello/foreman
I have the rake script ready at and will send ... Pablo Hess
08:52 PM Foreman Feature #34780 (Ready For Testing): Foreman-rake script to provide a "diff" between 2 different Content Views or 2 versions of the same Content View
I have the rake script ready at and will send a PR shortly. Pablo Hess


10:09 PM Foreman Bug #33771 (Ready For Testing): Virtual NIC naming conventions expected by fact_parser.rb cause registrations to fail
Description of problem:
When registering a host with virtual NICs that do not follow the most common NIC naming patt...
Pablo Hess


05:38 PM Ansible Feature #33186 (Closed): Need job template to run OpenSCAP scans via Ansible
Just like Remote Execution commands can be run with an SSH-based template as well as with an Ansible-based template, ... Pablo Hess


09:20 PM Katello Feature #33120 (Closed): Expose on the Katello API the ability to sync only an individual Content View or Repository to a Smart Proxy
The Actions::Katello::CapsuleContent::Sync task is already capable of syncing only an individual Lifecycle Environmen... Pablo Hess


03:04 PM Foreman Feature #32715 (Closed): Add the ability to add custom steps to the Default Finish template at early and late stages
Like the "Kickstart default" provisioning template with its custom pre/packages/post snippets, I'd like to be able to... Pablo Hess

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