

Ranjit Chettiyar

  • Login: RanjitGiv
  • Registered on: 11/10/2020
  • Last sign in: 11/10/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 4 4



03:48 PM Katello Bug #31678: Repository Sync Fails with 500 internal server error
Hi All,
Sync failed with below exception
RestClient::Exceptions::ReadTimeout: Timed out reading data from serve...
Ranjit Chettiyar
11:01 AM Katello Bug #31678: Repository Sync Fails with 500 internal server error
PFB /var/log/foreman/production.log output
2021-01-28T10:47:22 [I|app|7fb6d922] Parameters: {"name"=>"servername...
Ranjit Chettiyar
10:47 AM Katello Bug #31678: Repository Sync Fails with 500 internal server error
Hi All,
PFB /var/log/messages output
Jan 28 10:33:46 servername puppet-agent[21076]: (/Stage[main]/Puppetdb::Se...
Ranjit Chettiyar
08:08 AM Katello Bug #31678: Repository Sync Fails with 500 internal server error
Hi All,
I will share the logs. Currently, I am facing some other issue with foreman. Webpage is responding very sl...
Ranjit Chettiyar


03:13 PM Katello Bug #31678 (Rejected): Repository Sync Fails with 500 internal server error
Hi All,
Repository Sync Fails with 500 internal server error
Katello: katello-3.16.2-1.el7.noarch
Foreman: 2.1...
Ranjit Chettiyar


04:16 PM Katello Bug #31288: Manifest refresh not happening
I just did a few tests and got below result
hammer ping output
Status: ok
Server ...
Ranjit Chettiyar
02:33 PM Katello Support #31287: Upgrade Foreman
Thanks John,
I would also require help on below
1) Do we have to update the foreman version along with katello ...
Ranjit Chettiyar


12:31 PM Katello Bug #31288 (Rejected): Manifest refresh not happening
Hi All,
Manifest refresh is not happening. Tried to import the manifest manually but it didn't work. Please help.
Ranjit Chettiyar
12:28 PM Katello Support #31287 (Resolved): Upgrade Foreman
Hi All,
Need help to upgrade the foreman to the latest version.
Please share the steps and the version that nee...
Ranjit Chettiyar
12:24 PM Foreman Bug #31286 (Rejected): Foreman Puppet DB error
Hello All,
Received below error while trying to check Puppet DB dashboard in foreman 1.19.1
Oops, we're sorry...
Ranjit Chettiyar

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