

Lucas E Holm

  • Login: lucasuh
  • Registered on: 06/07/2013
  • Last sign in: 06/20/2016


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 2 2



01:30 PM Foreman Bug #2680: Unable to provisioning host using UI - vSphere 4.1.0
Went ahead and did the magic, but unfortunately same result. /tmp/log attached. Lucas E Holm
11:47 AM Foreman Bug #2680: Unable to provisioning host using UI - vSphere 4.1.0
CentOS RPM installation. I applied both and got similar result. Please see attached log. Thanks.
Lucas E Holm
11:07 AM Foreman Bug #2680 (Closed): Unable to provisioning host using UI - vSphere 4.1.0
Im unable to provision a new host using UI - vSphere 4.1.0.
Please let me know if there is a known soluti...
Lucas E Holm


06:19 AM Foreman Bug #2666: Unable to create new host
I resolved this by adding 'mac' as global variable. Afterwards MAC input was visible in 'Create Host/Network' view. Lucas E Holm
04:43 AM Foreman Bug #2666: Unable to create new host
... Lucas E Holm


07:14 PM Foreman Bug #2666 (Rejected): Unable to create new host
I'm unable to create new host:
'Unable to save: Failed to destroy a compute hypervisor.domain.tld (VMWare...
Lucas E Holm


06:47 PM Foreman Bug #1516: can not set puppet intervall < 10
Bug is still active: Version 1.1stable Lucas E Holm

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