

Moty Lavi

  • Login: motyla
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 09/08/2009
  • Last sign in: 03/04/2012


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 1 1
Reported issues 0 4 4



12:05 PM Foreman Bug #38: Host can not be edited
Fixed ..... Moty Lavi
11:47 AM Foreman Bug #34: Foreman GUI fails on puppet client failure
fixed Moty Lavi


02:58 PM Foreman Bug #38 (Closed): Host can not be edited
I did an update today to my foreman directory from:
commit 4f10558e6e97b4f591506b112b30320278435758 --> commit 709...
Moty Lavi
09:00 AM Foreman Bug #34: Foreman GUI fails on puppet client failure
No .... It does not help ....
To be more precise ..... Only the "hosts" screen is crashing , "settings","reports" an...
Moty Lavi


08:43 AM Foreman Bug #34: Foreman GUI fails on puppet client failure

I reproduce the error (crashed foreman gui)
I change network/ntp to maintenance mode and got the same error.
I also...
Moty Lavi
07:18 AM Foreman Bug #34: Foreman GUI fails on puppet client failure
I don't have the store option ....
The issue started when ntp service did not manage to update time from server (gap...
Moty Lavi
07:26 AM Foreman Bug #27: foreman_url doesn't contain port in kickstart.rhtml

I have puppet running through passenger , foreman is running through mongrel
Moty Lavi


02:19 PM Foreman Bug #27: foreman_url doesn't contain port in kickstart.rhtml

I'm encountering same issue .....
Moty Lavi
09:28 AM Foreman Bug #34 (Closed): Foreman GUI fails on puppet client failure
I have a Solaris server and I recently added to his puppet.conf "report=true"
I had a problem with my time mani...
Moty Lavi


09:15 AM Foreman Bug #26: Link to "pxe template" does not contian major and minor version number

pxe links are created with major and minor numbers !
Moty Lavi

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