Nigel Kersten
- Login: nigelk
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- Registered on: 12/17/2009
- Last sign in: 01/04/2010
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 2 | 2 |
Reported issues | 0 | 4 | 4 |
- 04:02 PM Foreman Bug #138: Statistics page doesn't show any info if memory facts are unavailable
- I imagine I have the same problem due to Mac clients not reporting the memory facts too? Back from holidays today, wi...
- 04:54 PM Foreman Feature #139 (Closed): per host authorization for making changes.
- Another wide ranging feature request:
We have a large and distributed operational team, and we like to be able to le... - 04:47 PM Foreman Bug #138 (Closed): Statistics page doesn't show any info if memory facts are unavailable
- On my recent git install of foreman, when I go to http://myforeman:3000/statistics
"No Inventory data has been found... - 04:42 PM Foreman Feature #137 (Closed): Better support for non-hostname certnames.
- This is a rather general feature request, as I'm unsure what the actual implementation would or should look like.
- 05:44 PM Foreman Bug #136 (Closed): Foreman missing image for Darwin (Mac OS X) hosts
- Given we're identifying them as "Darwin", I suggest we use the Darwin logo, Hexley.
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