

Alexandre Barth


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 12 29 41



09:14 AM Foreman Bug #34207 (Rejected): Foreman monitoring not working in 3.1
Foreman monitoring plugin does not update icinga statuses anymore on hosts, this used to work until version 3.0.1.
Alexandre Barth


10:50 AM Ansible Feature #29572: Ansible Role execution reports are not exactly human readable
An output like in this video at 12:00 would be great. Alexandre Barth
10:48 AM Ansible Bug #29981 (New): Missing variables when using awx/tower foreman inventory plugin
When using foreman inventory plugin in awx, foreman_subnets and foreman_interfaces variables are not set in host vari... Alexandre Barth
10:35 AM Ansible Bug #29329: per_page does not work correctly in roles switcher on host edit page
I think this is related to this issue i opened a few time ago, and this is general to foreman since 2.0 : https://pr... Alexandre Barth


03:18 PM Foreman Remote Execution Feature #25505: Remote execution overview should show the command outputs against the respective hosts
Need this feature so much, going into each invidual subtask is such a pain ... A global outputs view like in rundeck ... Alexandre Barth
03:13 PM Foreman Remote Execution Bug #25178: jobs fails even if all subtasks succeeds
Still facing this issue with foreman 2.0. I'm running a distributed foreman architecture with 4 foreman servers so i ... Alexandre Barth


02:35 PM Foreman Bug #28203 (Resolved): Audits permantly changing with foreman in cluster deployment
Alexandre Barth
02:35 PM Foreman Bug #28203: Audits permantly changing with foreman in cluster deployment
My bad, solved using cluster fqdn in --foreman-foreman-url foreman-installer parameter instead of --foreman-serverali... Alexandre Barth


09:17 AM Foreman Bug #29391 (New): Entries per page setting not working as expected
Whatever value is set in entries per page setting, the default number of 20 stays at the bottom of the page in any vi... Alexandre Barth


02:36 PM Foreman Bug #28203 (Resolved): Audits permantly changing with foreman in cluster deployment
I use foreman in cluster mode with two nodes, and
foreman_url and unatte...
Alexandre Barth

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