

David Patterson


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 5 5



10:56 AM Website Revision 930a17b6 (theforemanorg): Add PuppetCamp 2015 talk
David Patterson


04:52 PM Foreman Bug #10212 (Closed): Foreman allows multiple nics to have the same fqdn during provisioning
When I create a new host on vSphere 5.1.x with:
eth0: static, primary, name = servername
eth1: dhcp, managed, pro...
David Patterson


03:57 PM Foreman Bug #10168 (Closed): Foreman names VM's incorrectly when using multiple nics for provisioning
Using Foreman 1.8rc3 and multiple nics:
DNS Name = servername
Checked items = Primary
Network = Static
David Patterson


02:01 PM Foreman Bug #10030: Foreman fails to find VMware templates when they're in a folder
Unfortunately, the only thing worse that my coding abilities is my ruby knowledge :( David Patterson


05:21 PM Foreman Bug #10030: Foreman fails to find VMware templates when they're in a folder
It seems Fog 1.28 is what broke this:
David Patterson
04:59 PM Foreman Bug #10030 (Closed): Foreman fails to find VMware templates when they're in a folder
Our VMware5.1 DC is setup as: vCenter -> Datacenter -> Folder -> Template_name. When trying to provision a new VM... David Patterson


02:30 PM Foreman Bug #4348: Host group parameters tab doesn't show inherited parameters
I'd like to put in my vote to have this fixed, please :) David Patterson


05:17 PM Plugins Feature #4299 (Rejected): Logins (and possibly more) fail if the memcached server is unavailable
foreman 1.4
If the memcached server is unavailable, logins and potential...
David Patterson
04:43 PM Foreman Bug #4298 (Closed): ldap auth should accept parens in firstname or surname
My company uses the below for admin accounts. Foreman doesn't like the parens in the Surname portion:
firstname: fi...
David Patterson

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