

Lucy Fu

  • Login: lfu
  • Registered on: 03/22/2021
  • Last sign in: 11/22/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 102 102
Reported issues 7 84 91


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Developer 04/28/2021
Installer Developer 04/28/2021
Packaging Developer 04/28/2021
SELinux Developer 04/28/2021
Smart Proxy Developer 04/28/2021
Foreman Maintain Developer 04/28/2021
Hammer CLI Developer 04/28/2021
Plugins Developer 04/28/2021
ABRT Developer 04/28/2021
Ansible Developer 04/28/2021
Boot disk Developer 04/28/2021
Chef Developer 04/28/2021
DigitalOcean Developer 04/28/2021
Discovery Developer 04/28/2021
Docker Developer 04/28/2021
Foreman Remote Execution Developer 04/28/2021
receptor plugin Developer 04/28/2021
foreman-tasks Developer 04/28/2021
foreman_setup Developer 04/28/2021
Infoblox Developer 04/28/2021
Katello Developer 03/25/2021
Hammer CLI CSV Developer 03/25/2021
Hammer CLI Import Developer 03/25/2021
Packaging Developer 03/25/2021
Runcible Developer 03/25/2021
KubeVirt Developer 04/28/2021
MCollective Developer 04/28/2021
OpenNebula Developer 04/28/2021
OpenSCAP Developer 04/28/2021
Salt Developer 04/28/2021
Templates Developer 04/28/2021
virt-who configure Developer 04/28/2021
Xen Developer 04/28/2021
Website Developer 04/28/2021



06:54 PM virt-who configure Bug #37007 (New): Fix translations infrastructure for hammer-cli-foreman-virt-who-configure
Fix translations infrastructure for hammer-cli-foreman-virt-who-configure to match foreman_virt_who_configure
Lucy Fu
05:44 PM Katello Bug #36980: Reassigning a new hostgroup to an existing host does not update the Lifecycle environment and content view for the host.
When a host is assigned to a hostgroup but the host already has an LCE/CV, it should keep its existing one, since the... Lucy Fu


07:00 PM Katello Bug #36980 (Assigned): Reassigning a new hostgroup to an existing host does not update the Lifecycle environment and content view for the host.
Lucy Fu


09:21 PM Katello Bug #36980 (Duplicate): Reassigning a new hostgroup to an existing host does not update the Lifecycle environment and content view for the host.
Cloned from
Description of problem:
Reassigning a new Hos...
Lucy Fu
05:00 PM Katello Bug #36557 (Closed): React does not recognize the `ouiaId` prop on a DOM element
Applied in changeset commit:katello|d068f0dee3921c7139c98084c5822302d5620464. Lucy Fu
04:17 PM Katello Revision d068f0de (katello): Fixes #36557 - ouiaId does not apply to PF3
Lucy Fu


07:33 PM Katello Bug #36965 (New): RHEL lifecycle status on all hosts page should display icons only for RHEL clients
Lucy Fu
03:08 PM Katello Revision 9ee9dfcd (katello): Refs #36797 - Allow message rebranding in preparation for API SCA-only
Lucy Fu


05:01 PM virt-who configure Revision 9406438a (foreman_virt_who_configure): Bump version to 0.5.19 (#183)
Lucy Fu


03:20 PM Katello Bug #36935: Hosts - Use :display_name instead of :name in UI
Duplicate of Lucy Fu

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