

Don H

  • Login: viwon
  • Registered on: 04/29/2021
  • Last sign in: 09/20/2022


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 3 4



06:59 PM Packaging Bug #35545 (Need more information): foreman-plugin-rh-cloud plugin needs to be updated, current version will not install in Katello 4.6
Current version of the gem rpm included in Katello 4.6, is foreman_rh_cloud-5.0.39.
There is an data incompatibili...
Don H


02:37 PM Foreman Feature #17033: Add Network Teaming configuration for hosts
Warren Jeffs wrote:
> Hate to bump this, but its been 2 years and Teamd is the recommended bonding/teaming method in...
Don H


01:21 PM Foreman Bug #33029 (Rejected): Katello repo sync fails on any repos with Ignore Content srpms enabled.
This is a Katello issue. Opened duplicate issue for Katello project. Don H
01:15 PM Foreman Bug #33029 (Rejected): Katello repo sync fails on any repos with Ignore Content srpms enabled.
Don H
01:20 PM Katello Bug #33030 (Resolved): After upgrade to Katello 4.x repo sync fails on any repo with IgnoreContent=srpms enabled - popitem() takes no keyword arguments
After we upgraded to Katello 4.x, currently at katello-4.1.0-1.el7.noarch, with python3-pulpcore-3.11.2-1.el7.noarch ... Don H


09:10 PM Foreman Bug #32461 (Closed): save_to_file() in templates cuts off last end of line
I have noticed when I have two save_to_file() calls right after each other that save_to_file is cutting off the last ... Don H

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