

Adam Ruzicka

  • Login: aruzicka
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 04/17/2014
  • Last sign in: 10/17/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 28 738 766
Reported issues 106 773 879


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Developer, Security team 02/29/2016
Installer Developer, Security team 02/29/2016
Packaging Developer, Security team 02/29/2016
SELinux Developer, Security team 02/29/2016
Smart Proxy Developer, Security team 02/29/2016
Foreman Maintain Developer 04/28/2021
Hammer CLI Developer 04/28/2021
Plugins Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
ABRT Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Ansible Manager, Developer, Security team 08/09/2016
Boot disk Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Chef Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
DigitalOcean Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Discovery Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Docker Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Foreman Google Developer 06/21/2022
Foreman Remote Execution Developer, Security team 11/19/2015
receptor plugin Manager, Developer, Security team 11/03/2020
foreman-tasks Developer, Security team 04/29/2014
foreman_setup Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Infoblox Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Katello Developer, Security team 04/23/2014
Hammer CLI CSV Developer, Security team 07/11/2018
Hammer CLI Import Developer, Security team 04/11/2016
Packaging Developer, Security team 07/30/2015
Runcible Developer, Security team 06/26/2015
KubeVirt Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Leapp Manager, Developer 05/25/2020
MCollective Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
OpenNebula Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
OpenSCAP Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Salt Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Templates Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
virt-who configure Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Webhooks Developer 11/13/2023
Xen Developer, Security team 09/01/2020
Website Developer 04/28/2021



11:02 AM Ansible Revision 83ac16bd (foreman_ansible): Bump version to 15.0.5
Adam Ruzicka


05:54 PM Foreman Remote Execution Revision 57854297 (foreman_plugin): Bump version to 15.0.0
Adam Ruzicka
05:00 PM Foreman Remote Execution Bug #38167 (Closed): Take the redesigned job invocation page out of experimental labs
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_plugin|3f4c1817caef4f9a57f5f82f0e4c96985a31ec05. Adam Ruzicka
03:53 PM Foreman Remote Execution Bug #38167 (Closed): Take the redesigned job invocation page out of experimental labs
Adam Ruzicka
04:28 PM Foreman Remote Execution Revision 3f4c1817 (foreman_plugin): Fixes #38167 - Take the redesigned job invocation page out of experimental labs
Adam Ruzicka


03:00 PM Smart Proxy Bug #38157 (Closed): rexml is not a default gem on ruby 3 anymore
Applied in changeset commit:a756b04be82f0ba22045f606b9edd68bd754cbf6. Adam Ruzicka
02:09 PM Smart Proxy Revision a756b04b: Fixes #38157 - Declare rexml as dependency
Adam Ruzicka
02:05 PM Packaging Revision 178a127f (foreman-packaging): Build foreman_ygg_worker on el10
and clean up the spec Adam Ruzicka


04:20 PM Smart Proxy Bug #38157 (Closed): rexml is not a default gem on ruby 3 anymore
Apparently rexml (used in the realm module) used to be a default gem up until ruby 3. Starting with ruby 3, it has to... Adam Ruzicka
11:02 AM Packaging Revision 62cf2fe3 (foreman-packaging): Bump @theforeman/* to >=14.0.0
Adam Ruzicka

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