

Ori Rabin

  • Login: orrabin
  • Email:
  • Registered on: 07/02/2014
  • Last sign in: 01/18/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 4 289 293
Reported issues 28 198 226


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Manager, Developer 07/02/2014
Installer Manager, Developer 07/02/2014
Packaging Manager, Developer 07/02/2014
SELinux Manager, Developer 07/02/2014
Smart Proxy Manager, Developer 07/02/2014
OpenSCAP Developer 12/26/2016
Website Manager 08/20/2018



09:01 AM Foreman Bug #29390 (Closed): Pry 0.13 breaks db:migrate
Applied in changeset commit:2f60e2c950dbd9c37ef6a4ddebb540fe27123b18. Ori Rabin
08:05 AM Foreman Revision 2f60e2c9 (foreman): Fixes #29390 - Unpin pry-byebug
Ori Rabin


04:20 PM Foreman Bug #29390 (Closed): Pry 0.13 breaks db:migrate
This seems to be because pry 0.13 doesn't work with pry-byebug < 3.7.0
The error: NameError: uninitialized constan...
Ori Rabin


10:45 AM Website Revision 71ab9508 (theforemanorg): newsletter: Jan 2020
Ori Rabin


11:01 AM Foreman Refactor #28567 (Closed): Remove smart variables strong param filters
Applied in changeset commit:3fd72c684c7e25baa55b9732104b2e63447baef6. Ori Rabin
10:02 AM Foreman Revision 3fd72c68 (foreman): Fixes #28567 - Remove smart variables strong param filters
Ori Rabin
09:28 AM Website Refactor #28602 (Closed): Remove Smart Variables from 2.0 Manual
In 2.0 Smart Variables are removed, the manual should be updated to contain only Smart Class Parameters. Ori Rabin
09:18 AM Website Revision fe805945 (theforemanorg): newsletter: Dec 2019
Ori Rabin


03:28 PM Foreman Refactor #28567 (Assigned): Remove smart variables strong param filters
Ori Rabin
03:11 PM Foreman Refactor #28598 (Closed): Remove VariableLookupKey from tests
When removing Smart Variables the model tests should be removed.
Some of the tests should be changed to Smart Clas...
Ori Rabin

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