

Shimon Shtein

  • Login: ShimShtein
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  • Registered on: 12/02/2014
  • Last connection: 02/29/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 12 156 168
Reported issues 30 129 159


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Developer 12/02/2014
Installer Developer 12/02/2014
Packaging Developer 12/02/2014
SELinux Developer 12/02/2014
Smart Proxy Developer 12/02/2014
Foreman Maintain Developer 04/28/2021
Hammer CLI Developer 04/28/2021
Plugins Developer 04/28/2021
ABRT Developer 04/28/2021
Ansible Developer 04/28/2021
AzureRM Manager, Developer 03/15/2019
Boot disk Developer 04/28/2021
Chef Developer 04/28/2021
DigitalOcean Developer 04/28/2021
Discovery Developer 04/28/2021
Docker Developer 04/28/2021
Foreman Remote Execution Developer 04/28/2021
receptor plugin Developer 04/28/2021
foreman-tasks Developer 04/28/2021
foreman_setup Developer 04/28/2021
Infoblox Developer 04/28/2021
Katello Developer 04/28/2021
Hammer CLI CSV Developer 04/28/2021
Hammer CLI Import Developer 04/28/2021
Packaging Developer 04/28/2021
Runcible Developer 04/28/2021
KubeVirt Developer 04/28/2021
MCollective Developer 04/28/2021
OpenNebula Developer 04/28/2021
OpenSCAP Developer 04/28/2021
Salt Developer 04/28/2021
Templates Developer 04/28/2021
virt-who configure Developer 04/28/2021
Xen Developer 04/28/2021
Website Developer 04/28/2021



07:00 AM Foreman Bug #37422 (Closed): rake snapshots:generate is broken
Applied in changeset commit:foreman|38b22032e97df4701eb28b3c71ed7f7050230191. Shimon Shtein
06:20 AM Foreman Revision 38b22032 (foreman): Fixes #37422 - Switch to method definition in template generators
Mocha cannot be used in rake tasks like `rake snapshots:generate` Shimon Shtein


07:56 AM Foreman Bug #37422 (Closed): rake snapshots:generate is broken
It fails with an error:... Shimon Shtein


07:00 AM Foreman Bug #37367 (Closed): Foreman and Anaconda are not in sync when deploying RHEL9: both keyfiles/snippets and ifcfg-xxx files are generated
Applied in changeset commit:foreman|ca34010f2d34205493489a14f42d1e2334cc8077. Shimon Shtein
06:59 AM Foreman Revision ca34010f (foreman): Fixes #37367 - Switch to 'network' directive instead of ifcfg
Shimon Shtein


12:10 PM Foreman Bug #37367 (Closed): Foreman and Anaconda are not in sync when deploying RHEL9: both keyfiles/snippets and ifcfg-xxx files are generated
RHEL9 installed from Foreman are thus creating duplicated and confusing files
tl;dr: **It seems Anaconda creates t...
Shimon Shtein
11:21 AM Foreman Bug #37366 (New): [RFE] Satellite and Anaconda are not in sync when deploying RHEL9: both keyfiles/snippets and ifcfg-xxx files are generated
[RFE] Foreman and Anaconda are not in sync when deploying RHEL9: both keyfiles/snippets and ifcfg-xxx files are gener... Shimon Shtein
11:17 AM Foreman Bug #37365 (New): [RFE] Satellite and Anaconda are not in sync when deploying RHEL9: both keyfiles/snippets and ifcfg-xxx files are generated
[RFE] Foreman and Anaconda are not in sync when deploying RHEL9: both keyfiles/snippets and ifcfg-xxx files are gener... Shimon Shtein
11:12 AM Foreman Bug #37364 (New): [RFE] Satellite and Anaconda are not in sync when deploying RHEL9: both keyfiles/snippets and ifcfg-xxx files are generated
Satellite doesn't support keyfiles when provisioning RHEL9: it creates ifcfg during provisioning.
RHEL9 installed ...
Shimon Shtein
08:40 AM Foreman Feature #37363: Add ability to set custom interface names in Kickstart templates
It looks like the correct code would be to change the kickstart_kernel_options
Shimon Shtein

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