

Nagoor Shaik

  • Login: nagoor
  • Registered on: 03/23/2015
  • Last sign in: 10/10/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 41 43
Reported issues 2 51 53



08:08 PM Katello Revision 159b0d1d (katello): Fixes #36811 - handle nil values while parsing errata
Nagoor Shaik


07:37 AM Katello Bug #36811 (Closed): Applied Errata report download fails with undefined method `value' for nil:NilClass error
Applied Errata report download fails with undefined method `value' for nil:NilClass error.
This might happen when ...
Nagoor Shaik


06:07 PM Katello Bug #36506 (Closed): Allow installable errata count methods
Applied in changeset commit:katello|f3dba82d5f35f679c0f7906cf07e211a716b6785. Nagoor Shaik
05:46 PM Katello Revision f3dba82d (katello): Fixes #36506 - allow installable errata counts in safe mode
Nagoor Shaik


07:43 AM Foreman Feature #36507 (Ready For Testing): New report template to generate installable errata count
New report template to generate installable errata count Nagoor Shaik
07:34 AM Katello Bug #36506 (Closed): Allow installable errata count methods
Safe mode rendering of content host facets installable_errata counts are failing in report templates.
Example: hos...
Nagoor Shaik


04:15 AM Foreman Feature #36190 (Closed): Include erratum issued date in Hosts Applied report template
Include erratum issued date in Hosts Applied report template Nagoor Shaik


06:11 AM OpenSCAP Bug #36070 (Closed): Host details from OpenSCAP compliance reports points to Old Hosts UI page
Host details from OpenSCAP compliance reports points to Old Hosts UI page
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Configure Open...
Nagoor Shaik
04:51 AM SELinux Bug #36069 (Duplicate): Running foreman-selinux-relabel fails with an error
While updating rubygem-foreman-tasks package %post scripts execute foreman-selinux-relabel command, which fails with ... Nagoor Shaik


07:03 AM Katello Bug #36049 (Closed): Add support for Erratum release date in Host - Applied Errata report template
Add support for Erratum release date in Host - Applied Errata report template Nagoor Shaik

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