

Rodrigo Menezes


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Reported issues 0 4 4



05:15 PM Katello Bug #13840 (Rejected): Applying an errata causes unfinished transactions remain in the yum database.
While trying to push updates for glibc I noticed that a about 1/4 of the servers I selected to be patched never finis... Rodrigo Menezes
05:06 PM Katello Bug #12841: Cert mismatch for katello 2.4 RC3 in files /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp.conf and /etc/pulp/server.conf
Would you be able to go more into what the workaround is, so that I may try and build it into this script beforehand:... Rodrigo Menezes


08:03 AM Katello Bug #12841: Cert mismatch for katello 2.4 RC3 in files /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp.conf and /etc/pulp/server.conf
This happens when I'm logging in with a username/password. From my understanding of what is going on, it looks like "... Rodrigo Menezes


07:16 PM Katello Bug #12841: Cert mismatch for katello 2.4 RC3 in files /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp.conf and /etc/pulp/server.conf
Just to add some more information, just checked on a Katello 2.3 deployment I have and this is what it looks like:
Rodrigo Menezes
07:08 PM Katello Bug #12841 (Closed): Cert mismatch for katello 2.4 RC3 in files /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp.conf and /etc/pulp/server.conf
Cert mismatch for katello 2.4 in files /etc/httpd/conf.d/pulp.conf and /etc/pulp/server.conf, this causes you not to ... Rodrigo Menezes


06:48 PM Foreman Bug #12214: Problem linking external user group.
Thanks, I'll learn to read the manuals more closely in the future. Rodrigo Menezes


02:36 PM Foreman Bug #12214: Problem linking external user group.
A little more information:
This is Katello 2.3.1 on top of foreman 1.9.2
Rodrigo Menezes
01:51 PM Foreman Bug #12214 (Resolved): Problem linking external user group.
When trying to link a user group to an LDAPS server I keep getting the error bellow. Unfortunately I'm not able to fi... Rodrigo Menezes


08:06 PM OpenSCAP Bug #11045: Failed to send SCAP results to the Foreman server
Looks like this change fixes the above. Rodrigo Menezes
06:17 PM OpenSCAP Bug #11045 (Resolved): Failed to send SCAP results to the Foreman server
foreman-proxy is failing to upload the ARF reports to foreman/katello. This is a CentOS 7 box.
Rodrigo Menezes

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