Pieter Hollants
- Login: fate
- Email: pieter@hollants.com
- Registered on: 06/23/2015
- Last sign in: 06/23/2015
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 1 | 2 | 3 |
10:31 AM Foreman Bug #15307: Foreman API: GETing /api/hosts with per_page=-1 triggers database error
- I guess a fix for this belongs upstream in the will_paginate rubygem at https://github.com/mislav/will_paginate. Unfo...
09:44 AM Foreman Bug #15307 (Feedback): Foreman API: GETing /api/hosts with per_page=-1 triggers database error
- Sending a GET request to "/api/hosts" with "per_page: -1" on a Foreman 1.10.3 server:
2016-06-06 15:28:26 ForemanE...
09:04 AM Smart Proxy Bug #10504 (Closed): customrun was broken and customrun_args is empty threw Nil -> string exception
- Applied in changeset commit:50cd49b75333c3c3eb1b03db71559521bb425c86.
08:31 AM Smart Proxy Revision 50cd49b7: Fixes #10504 - Avoid splitting undefined customrun_args
09:35 AM Smart Proxy Bug #10504: customrun was broken and customrun_args is empty threw Nil -> string exception
- I updated Dhaivat's fix for the current code: https://github.com/theforeman/smart-proxy/pull/403
10:57 AM Foreman Bug #13982 (Duplicate): API description for creating hosts incorrectly lists "interfaces_attributes"'s "primary" as optional
- http://theforeman.org/api/1.10/apidoc/v2/hosts/create.html says:
> host[interfaces_attributes][primary]
> optiona...
05:23 AM Smart Proxy Feature #10907 (New): Add apipie support to the smart-proxy API
- The Foreman API supports auto-discovery of supported methods in its API through the /apidoc/ URLs, enabled through us...
05:20 AM Smart Proxy Feature #10860: Provide resources on / API index
- The question I'm asking myself: what would have been the expected behavior? [[API]] does not list anything for the / ...
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