

Michael Eklund


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 5 8



05:05 PM Foreman Bug #23384: Error when attempting to move host to "build" status
related to Bug #23212
and pull request change fixes it.
Michael Eklund
04:59 PM Foreman Bug #23384: Error when attempting to move host to "build" status
Noticed no power indicator for vmware hosts: Michael Eklund
04:49 PM Foreman Bug #23384 (New): Error when attempting to move host to "build" status
When I take a VMware VM and attempt to rebuild it by hitting the build button the UI appears to hang: https://www.ev... Michael Eklund


03:37 PM Foreman Bug #23335: Cannot create VM in a vCenter. NoMethodError.
A bit more investigating, first submit on create host I get the unable to save popup. ... Michael Eklund
03:16 PM Foreman Bug #23335: Cannot create VM in a vCenter. NoMethodError.
I also am still getting the error after patching with 5481, though I did skip patching test/controllers/concerns/para... Michael Eklund


09:24 PM Foreman Bug #23335: Cannot create VM in a vCenter. NoMethodError.
Same issue for me. Foreman 1.17 after upgrade from 1.16.... Michael Eklund


03:08 PM Foreman Bug #13801: foreman passenger memory leak
Ubuntu 14.04. I have hidden the problem with PassengerMaxRequests 100
I could schedule a time to make it happen a...
Michael Eklund


06:57 PM Foreman Bug #13801: foreman passenger memory leak
Passenger status:... Michael Eklund
06:52 PM Foreman Bug #13801: foreman passenger memory leak
I let it run without recycling threads today and was able to get a backtrace with the SIGABRT, though it does not loo... Michael Eklund
09:59 AM Foreman Bug #13801: foreman passenger memory leak
Though foreman graphite is pretty recent. I may disable, as the info is not that useful. Michael Eklund

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