Mateusz Gozdek
- Login: invidian
- Registered on: 03/10/2016
- Last sign in: 04/30/2019
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 2 | 3 | 5 |
09:06 AM Packaging Feature #24080: Add support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
- I assume you are talking about modules updates with bionic support. About which modules are you talking about exactly...
03:15 PM Packaging Feature #24080 (Closed): Add support for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
- It would be cool to get packages for `bionic` before July 26th, when 18.04.1 is released and upgrade will become ava...
06:14 AM Smart Proxy Bug #20977 (New): With wrong IPMI password, calling /bmc/X.X.X.X/lan/ip endpoint causes smart-proxy to stuck in infinite loop
- There is an upstream bug in @rubyipmi@ gem, which is causing this infinite loop, however all errors printed by this g...
06:42 AM Foreman Feature #20679: Revoke host's certificate when host is removed
- Right. When `manage_puppetca` is enabled and host is managed, certificate is revoked properly. My bad for not testing...
09:39 AM Foreman Feature #20679 (Rejected): Revoke host's certificate when host is removed
- As far as I see, right now revoking certificate functionality is only used to revoke certificate before autosing entr...
07:01 AM Foreman Bug #18720 (New): Usergroup members are being removed after running `/usr/sbin/foreman-rake db:sessions:clear`
- I have following problem. All my users are authorised externally. When I add user to the group, it correctly appears ...
08:47 AM Smart Proxy Bug #14153: Allow to run smart-proxy under passenger 5 with nginx
- You are right. I checked and webrick is passing only request with valid client certificate, which is correct. So our ...
05:25 AM Smart Proxy Bug #14153: Allow to run smart-proxy under passenger 5 with nginx
- I created pull request with fix.
04:15 AM Smart Proxy Bug #14153 (Rejected): Allow to run smart-proxy under passenger 5 with nginx
- In passenger 5, they changed nginx config syntax from *@passenger_set_cgi_param@* to *@passenger_set_header@* and *@p...
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