

Quinn James

  • Login: qcjames53
  • Registered on: 02/02/2023
  • Last sign in: 03/26/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 15 16
Reported issues 8 24 32


Project Roles Registered on
Katello Developer 02/22/2023
Hammer CLI CSV Developer 02/22/2023
Hammer CLI Import Developer 02/22/2023
Packaging Developer 02/22/2023
Runcible Developer 02/22/2023



01:38 PM Katello Bug #36310: Don't allow users to register hosts to content views generated by content export commands (and migrate off existing ones)
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Feature #36261: ACS - Handle bulk tasks better in the UI
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Feature #36227: Provide a package distribution link on the details page to download the package directly.
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Bug #36148: hammer repository reclaim-space should not require organization to be passed
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Feature #36087: Remote Execution sometimes needs to use update-minimal --nobest to install errata
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Bug #36079: Use new REX job wizard form everywhere
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Bug #36057: Installable updates on the All Hosts index page are misaligned (not the Content hosts page)
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Bug #35732: new locations force hostgroups and provisioning templates to be in the ignore_types list breaking user workflows
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Bug #35615: repository api result shows wrong value for key last_sync_words
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James
01:38 PM Katello Bug #35603: Need to refactor duplicated methods in SystemPurposeSelector
Moving to 4.17.0 due to 4.16.0 GA. Quinn James

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