

Kevin Keane

  • Login: kkeane
  • Registered on: 01/03/2024
  • Last sign in: 02/25/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 3 0 3



06:14 AM Foreman Feature #38240 (New): Feature request: reorganize and simplify TLS certificate utilization
In short, the current use of TLS certificates is a mess and causes operational problems. Among other things:
- Cer...
Kevin Keane


05:01 AM Foreman Bug #37021: katello-certs-check should succeed if intermediates are presented without root
The underlying issue appears to be slightly different. The cachain.pem provided by Sectigo includes the full chain up... Kevin Keane


03:57 AM Installer Bug #38066 (New): Starting with 3.12, TheForeman refuses to install without IPv6
Apparently, this is related to Feature #37693 . The feature was not implemented correctly.
Several problems:
- ...
Kevin Keane


06:14 AM Foreman Bug #37021: katello-certs-check should succeed if intermediates are presented without root
When fixing this issue, foreman-maintain also need to be fixed the same way.
Kevin Keane
05:36 AM Foreman Bug #37021 (New): katello-certs-check should succeed if intermediates are presented without root
The katello-certs-check utility requires that the provided certificate chain contains not just all intermediate certs... Kevin Keane

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