

Rune Philosof

  • Login: runephilosof
  • Registered on: 03/13/2024
  • Last sign in: 05/23/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 1 3



12:30 PM Katello Feature #37502 (New): Show the purpose of the product gpg key
The web ui has no explanation for the gpg key field.
I assume that the product gpg key is merely a convenience field...
Rune Philosof


09:42 AM Installer Bug #37260 (New): Have to run foreman-installer twice. First install fail due to pki-core module not enabled.
First time I run @foreman-installer --scenario katello@. I get this error:... Rune Philosof
09:28 AM Installer Bug #34130: Puppetserver runs under Java 8 instead of Java 11 in Katello scenario
It is no longer @tomcatjss@, but the result is still the same. @pki-servlet-engine@ requires @java-1.8.0@.... Rune Philosof


01:39 PM Installer Feature #37253 (Duplicate): katello-certs-check and foreman-installer --scenario katello should support not using chain
`katello-certs-check` and `foreman-installer --scenario katello` should support not using chain certificate file.
Rune Philosof
11:25 AM Installer Bug #29279: Drop use of SSLCertificateChainFile and combine CA certs
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote in #note-1:
> That's not how we use it. We use SSLCertificateChainFile as the CA th...
Rune Philosof
10:55 AM Installer Bug #37029: YAML scenario - server_ssl_chain is ignored
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote in #note-2:
> > I'm installing Foreman 3.8.0 on AlmaLinux 8.9, using a custom scena...
Rune Philosof

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