

Matthew Smith

  • Login: mnsmithuk
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  • Registered on: 02/17/2017
  • Last sign in: 11/08/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 7 16 23



10:19 PM Foreman Bug #37969: Compute Profiles Forms for Libvirt resources are missing Storage and Network which causes hosts creations to fail
Matthew Smith wrote:
> When configuring compute profiles in versions above Foreman 3.10, the forms are missing the s...
Matthew Smith


05:31 PM Smart Proxy Feature #37970 (New): Manage /usr/share/foreman-proxy/.ssh/known_hosts entries
Is it worth automatically removing the host entry from /usr/share/foreman-proxy/.ssh/known_hosts when a host is delet... Matthew Smith
01:18 PM Foreman Bug #37969 (New): Compute Profiles Forms for Libvirt resources are missing Storage and Network which causes hosts creations to fail
When configuring compute profiles in versions above Foreman 3.10, the forms are missing the sections to configure the... Matthew Smith


10:20 AM Foreman Feature #33391 (New): Support for VMware Cloud Director
Can we have the vmware plugin support extended to also include provisioning to a virtual datacenter in Cloud Director... Matthew Smith


03:58 PM Installer Feature #33170 (Duplicate): Additional Tftp Support For Rocky
We need similar code added for Rocky Linux like that added for AlamaLinux
Matthew Smith


09:48 AM Foreman Bug #32981 (Closed): Latest preseed_networking_setup template snippet does not work Ubuntu 18.04+ with multiple nics
Looks like there is a bug in foreman/preseed_networking_setup.erb at develop · theforeman/foreman · GitHub 1 t...
Matthew Smith


12:46 PM Installer Feature #32710 (Closed): Tftp support for Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux
Can we get some support for Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux.
Currently I have to manually run the following command (whe...
Matthew Smith


05:20 PM SELinux Bug #32299: Installation of Katello 4 RC3 fails when --foreman-proxy-ssl-port is not set to default 9090
Matthew Smith wrote:
> Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
> > This line here is the denial:
> > type=AVC msg=audit(...
Matthew Smith
05:04 PM SELinux Bug #32299: Installation of Katello 4 RC3 fails when --foreman-proxy-ssl-port is not set to default 9090
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
> This line here is the denial:
> type=AVC msg=audit(1619259817.825:975): avc: de...
Matthew Smith
10:29 AM SELinux Bug #32299: Installation of Katello 4 RC3 fails when --foreman-proxy-ssl-port is not set to default 9090
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden wrote:
> I wonder if this has something to do with the SELinux policy. Can you check for ...
Matthew Smith

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