

Bernhard Suttner


open closed Total
Assigned issues 10 136 146
Reported issues 27 148 175


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Developer 01/09/2019
Installer Developer 01/09/2019
Packaging Developer 01/09/2019
SELinux Developer 01/09/2019
Smart Proxy Developer 01/09/2019
Foreman Maintain Developer 11/07/2024
Hammer CLI Developer 11/07/2024
Plugins Developer 11/07/2024
ABRT Developer 11/07/2024
Ansible Developer 11/07/2024
Boot disk Developer 11/07/2024
Chef Developer 11/07/2024
DigitalOcean Developer 11/07/2024
Discovery Developer 11/07/2024
Docker Developer 11/07/2024
Foreman Remote Execution Developer 11/07/2024
receptor plugin Developer 11/07/2024
foreman-tasks Developer 11/07/2024
foreman_setup Developer 11/07/2024
Infoblox Developer 11/07/2024
Katello Developer 11/07/2024
Hammer CLI CSV Developer 11/07/2024
Hammer CLI Import Developer 11/07/2024
Packaging Developer 11/07/2024
Runcible Developer 11/07/2024
KubeVirt Developer 11/07/2024
MCollective Developer 11/07/2024
OpenNebula Developer 11/07/2024
OpenSCAP Developer 11/07/2024
Salt Manager, Developer 05/03/2019
Templates Developer 11/07/2024
virt-who configure Developer 11/07/2024
Xen Developer 11/07/2024
Website Developer 11/07/2024



08:20 AM Installer Bug #38227 (New): selinux relabel after plugin installation necessary
If you install a plugin, e.g. foreman-ansible, restorecon complains about:
Would relabel /var/lib/foreman/public/a...
Bernhard Suttner


01:23 PM Foreman Bug #38200 (Ready For Testing): Installation of previously installed package fails
The installation of application which was previously installed fails because of missing apt options. Bernhard Suttner


04:00 PM Ansible Bug #38079 (New): Change of inherited ansible roles is not updated immediately in the UI
1. Create a hostgroup with an arbitrary ansible role assigned
2. Create a host with the hostgroup from step 1
3. Go...
Bernhard Suttner


10:40 AM Katello Bug #38038 (Closed): Show URL to GPG Key
In case you want to use the Host Registartion form and provide Katello repositories which are using GPG Keys its help... Bernhard Suttner


10:00 AM Foreman Feature #37862 (Closed): Support Windows deployment with UEFI
Applied in changeset commit:foreman|f295d1c034d19167fc24beb728bc4fefb6521035. Bernhard Suttner
09:57 AM Foreman Revision f295d1c0 (foreman): Fixes #37862 - Support EFI boot on windows
Bernhard Suttner


10:19 AM Katello Bug #37972 (Rejected): Synchronization messages should not contain branding information
Bernhard Suttner


06:54 PM Foreman Bug #38004 (New): The link to hostgroup should use the "parent/child" or id
Addition to
f you have a parent host group "parentA" and "parentB...
Bernhard Suttner


05:39 PM Katello Feature #37974 (Closed): Add keep-latest-packages from pulp python backend to UI
Support of:
The amount of latest versions of a package to keep on sync, includespre-releases if synced. Default 0...
Bernhard Suttner
04:43 PM Katello Bug #37972 (Rejected): Synchronization messages should not contain branding information
To improve the branding capabilities of katello/smart-proxy the synchronization terms should be rephrased. Bernhard Suttner

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