

Samir Jha

  • Login: sajha
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  • Registered on: 05/31/2017
  • Last sign in: 12/19/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 11 514 525
Reported issues 47 481 528


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Developer 04/12/2023
Installer Developer 04/12/2023
Packaging Developer 04/12/2023
SELinux Developer 04/12/2023
Smart Proxy Developer 04/12/2023
Foreman Maintain Developer 04/12/2023
Hammer CLI Developer 04/12/2023
Plugins Developer 04/12/2023
ABRT Developer 04/12/2023
Ansible Developer 04/12/2023
Boot disk Developer 04/12/2023
Chef Developer 04/12/2023
DigitalOcean Developer 04/12/2023
Discovery Developer 04/12/2023
Docker Developer 04/12/2023
Foreman Remote Execution Developer 04/12/2023
receptor plugin Developer 04/12/2023
foreman-tasks Developer 04/12/2023
foreman_setup Developer 04/12/2023
Infoblox Developer 04/12/2023
Katello Developer 05/31/2017
Hammer CLI CSV Developer 07/11/2018
Hammer CLI Import Developer 05/31/2017
Packaging Developer 05/31/2017
Runcible Developer 05/31/2017
KubeVirt Developer 04/12/2023
MCollective Developer 04/12/2023
OpenNebula Developer 04/12/2023
OpenSCAP Developer 04/12/2023
Salt Developer 04/12/2023
Templates Developer 04/12/2023
virt-who configure Developer 04/12/2023
Xen Developer 04/12/2023
Website Developer 04/12/2023



03:00 PM Katello Feature #38105 (Closed): As a client, I should have access to all flatpaks available via registered Content View/Environment
Applied in changeset commit:katello|2053361665c65451aae0eab6f49c57f0d9a7b5ac. Samir Jha
02:39 PM Katello Revision 20533616 (katello): Fixes #38105 - Filter flatpak index to only show host's faltapks (#11251)
Samir Jha


06:00 PM Katello Bug #38117 (Closed): Smart proxy sync is not updating package count for repos inside content view.
Applied in changeset commit:katello|fb6cca703783c443c4a4f4a368f8d5fe1072c20e. Samir Jha
05:15 PM Katello Revision fb6cca70 (katello): Fixes #38117 - Refresh smart proxy sync history when proxy is updated (#11270)
Samir Jha


08:00 PM Katello Bug #38102 (Closed): Flatpak remote returns auth_token on the API
Applied in changeset commit:katello|1891dc425a285f006affc6922fcd7be976f17f88. Samir Jha
07:28 PM Katello Revision 1891dc42 (katello): Fixes #38102 - Auth token of flatpak-remote shouldn't be returned by API (#11261)
Samir Jha
03:00 PM Katello Bug #38114 (Closed): Hammer should provide the option to add an environment after Library to an existing path
Applied in changeset commit:katello|dbfa2ef50c46faade2d44a320957db69637d51f8. Samir Jha
02:57 PM Katello Revision dbfa2ef5 (katello): Fixes #38114 - Document path-id param for environment create (#11268)
Samir Jha


09:15 PM Katello Bug #38117 (Closed): Smart proxy sync is not updating package count for repos inside content view.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Sync a LCE to the Smart proxy. This shows the package counts for cv correctly.
2. Now re...
Samir Jha
05:11 PM Katello Bug #38116 (New): Reassigning host content views when removing Content view version/environment in multi-CV hosts
When removing a version/environment from a CV, the reassignment of host should handle the reassignment as follows:
Samir Jha

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