

Maximilian Gaß

  • Login: mxey
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  • Registered on: 09/28/2017
  • Last sign in: 02/05/2025


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Reported issues 1 1 2



03:33 PM Foreman Bug #38081: Error 422 "unsupported configuration: unknown driver format value '' " while creating VM in Call to virDomainDefineXML
Reported as Maximilian Gaß
03:25 PM Foreman Bug #38081: Error 422 "unsupported configuration: unknown driver format value '' " while creating VM in Call to virDomainDefineXML
For comparison, this is with the working version, fog-libvirt 0.12.2:... Maximilian Gaß
03:23 PM Foreman Bug #38081: Error 422 "unsupported configuration: unknown driver format value '' " while creating VM in Call to virDomainDefineXML
I work at the same company as the reporter and I did some further debugging.
It turns out, the problem is not that...
Maximilian Gaß


04:49 PM Foreman Feature #35808 (New): Hostgroups: Read-only view
At the moment Foreman's HostgroupsController has no "show" action. This means that if someone has no write access to ... Maximilian Gaß


04:34 PM Hammer CLI Bug #21369 (Duplicate): Hammer host list shows all hosts if environment is empty
Given an environment called “empty” that has 0 hosts assigned to it:... Maximilian Gaß


11:20 AM Foreman Bug #12063: unable to destroy libvirt vm
I think this is a problem with virtual machines not created from Foreman. Fog-Libvirt fails to understand volume tags... Maximilian Gaß

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