# 1.6.0 * Bug #5809: don't need to show parent location/organization select box when entering first * Bug #6267: singularize of HostClass and HostgroupClass is wrong * Feature #6116: search hosts by parent host group and its decendants * Bug #6121: Make copyright section of the about page defaceable * Bug #5895: Kickstart provisioning template has iptables, auditd etc disabled * Feature #6308: Allow plugins to hook into DB seed ordering * Bug #6229: validate installation media exists for new host if pxe_build * Refactor #5987: Remove in-repo RPM packaging constructs * Feature #3601: Use secure websockets for console access * Bug #6722: foreman-proxy gives "cannot load such file -- kerberos" when trying to set up IPA DNS * Feature #4453: Update Foreman source packages for EL7 * Bug #4641: Deleting user with associated roles triggers PG::NotNullViolation * Feature #5753: Allow customisation of autocomplete_search path for resources in filter create/edit * Bug #6430: validation presence of location and organization for host if Settings are turned on * Bug #5029: Cannot specify initial Organization or Location via Katello installer * Feature #5197: Preallocated disk support for oVirt * Bug #6506: remove x86_64 default for new architecture * Bug #6057: Katello pages do not highlight upper level navigation tabs * Refactor #6487: Use icons from consistent icon set * Bug #6528: Seeds.rb is too noisy in tests * Bug #6670: Update fog to 1.23 * Feature #215: Allow blank values for parameters * Bug #4350: roles need to allow email address and i18n as name * Bug #6236: Host create and update is missing documentation for setting organization and location. * Bug #6860: Add missing attributes to Hostgroup Jail * Bug #5442: "Suggest new" link is missing extraction * Bug #6881: Config Templates model doesn't correctly check that changes are being made in rake * Bug #6873: Error during db:seed from 1.4 to 1.6: undefined method `expire_topbar_cache' for nil:NilClass * Bug #6953: Fix bad internationalization calls in User * Bug #7013: apipie-rails 0.2.3 is incompatible with 1.8.7 * Bug #5520: Display proper capitalization in orchestration header * Bug #5414: LDAP + TLS is not LDAP + TLS but LDAP + SSL * Bug #6532: API for permission related operations lacks some functionality * Bug #6636: Audit log field too small - PGError while creating OS with 255 characters in name * Bug #6650: Attempting to destroy the current user should result in a friendlier message * Feature #1646: Add feature to clone provisioning templates * Bug #6382: foreman_discovery fails to load "uninitialized constant Net::Validations::MAC_REGEXP (NameError)" * Feature #6562: Support API v2, remove experimental label * Feature #3103: Read only provisioning/config templates for plugins * Feature #3664: Support deletion of installation media that's in use * Bug #6620: Allow plugins to include test setup code in the test_helper * Bug #6693: UI shouldn't switch to other tab while creating OS parameters with same name or with blank name/values * Feature #6794: Missing search parameter for template kinds * Bug #7121: Move Smart Proxy action buttons to helper * Bug #7137: Foreman is not using LDAP account to bind to the directory * Refactor #7174: Increase delay on autocomplete fields * Bug #6962: Load usergroup admin user from fixtures directly to avoid a katello issue in tests * Bug #6248: Some JSON responses are still nested in a root node * Bug #6205: Custom SSL client cert for smart proxy based auth doesn't split CN correctly * Feature #5242: Keeping user's attributes and group membership up-to-date even during subsequent logons * Feature #6852: Rake log task to log ActiveRecord changes * Bug #6969: foreman-debug is missing log files which are rotated * Bug #7308: Foreman 1.6.0-RC2 - LDAP broken * Bug #6067: UI inconsistency around root password strength * Bug #6112: log/test.log disappears when running under spork * Bug #6285: Settings API does not parse incoming values * Bug #6529: Make DHCP auto-suggest IP configurable * Feature #5734: Add API for external groups management * Bug #6750: remove constraint on apipie-rails gem so it can be updated to 0.2.x * Refactor #6857: optimize two-pane loading time by not render the entire layout * Feature #6861: Add @provisioning_type variable to tell when provisioning with a host group * Feature #4155: API for CR association and disassociation * Bug #6831: When creating a new organization as an admin, the switcher doesn't list it * Bug #4375: Kickstart provisioning is on a loop when using compute profiles with ovirt Compute Resource. * Bug #6436: Modularized proxy attempts to load plugins before loading core modules * Bug #6228: disable provisioning method radio boxes after host is provisioned * Bug #7253: unable to modify user in UI as it incorrectly states "Administrator cannot be removed from the last admin account" * Tracker #4447: Support installation on RHEL 7 * Bug #6825: refactor api/v2/filters_controller.rb to use find_optional_nested_object and add Authorizable to class Role * Feature #5915: Support 64-bit MAC addresses * Bug #3303: String not translated when deleting an architecture * Bug #7066: Unable to bind with DOMAIN\$login any longer * Bug #7157: Combo box style in reports * Feature #5241: Add support for external group mapping * Feature #5345: Advanced Dashboard * Refactor #6498: simplified eval calls * Bug #2940: Unable to remove smart parameter with long name * Feature #6618: Provide a helper to indent in templates * Bug #7082: Web UI glitch * Bug #6998: Cannot rename host by API due to DHCP conflict - cannot set 'overwrite' flag * Bug #7056: Partition table field is very small after selecting parameters tab * Feature #6772: Support for testing of plugins * Bug #6929: bad english description in string prevents good translation * Bug #7079: Proxy settings.d directory should be in foreman-debug archive * Bug #6319: dashboard.js not precompiled * Bug #6982: Tooltips in chart on overview page hidden behind chart * Feature #5793: rake task to create versioned tarball or gem * Feature #6496: Allow match helper method * Bug #6633: Smart variables and smart class parameters can not have the same parameter name * Bug #4564: "Creating scope :roots. Overwriting existing method Hostgroup.roots." log messages * Bug #6582: Change position of buttons when editing a location * Bug #6446: We need to either support non-json requests or show an error when a user submits other content types. * Bug #6888: Provisioning template name checks for presence twice, duplicate message * Feature #16200: Support module namespacing for on-complete callback * Feature #813: Support AD group membership for authorization and authentication * Bug #3285: "Host" column name is not translated on the main report page * Bug #3300: Strings not translated when creating new Smart Variable * Feature #3892: When new users are created based on REMOTE_USER authentication, their roles should be populated as well * Bug #5140: User children taxonomies are not greyed out * Feature #5221: Foreman should provide a helper method to allow an instance of a model to ask if the instance is authorized for a given permission. * Bug #6099: New Host screen is eating Fog Errors * Bug #6161: Value of Smart Variables doesn't show up on Foreman UI when it sets using API call * Bug #6232: Dashboard "host config chart" links go to /undefined * Bug #6361: menu item "Hosts --> All hosts" is visible to normal user from anonymous role by default * Bug #6432: attributes missing :presence => true * Feature #6441: filter parameters by request path. * Bug #6476: Unable to associate oVirt VM with multiple interfaces * Bug #6518: foreman sometimes picks the wrong bmc smart proxy * Bug #6606: Can't delete a user if there's only one admin account * Feature #6608: expose datastore free space through API * Bug #6537: Entering a very large number for idle_timeout is unchecked, crashes UI * Feature #6586: Allow user-specified password in rake permissions:reset * Bug #6694: PGError: while creating OS with long (greater than 5 chars) minor/major version values * Bug #6717: Template locked/unlock message cannot be translated * Bug #6747: Parameters textarea automatic resizing * Bug #6749: fix API v2 examples in docs that show error messages * Bug #6753: fix API v1 examples in docs that show error messages by re-ordering functional tests * Feature #6756: expose vmware resource pools and folders through API * Bug #6786: Cannot create an organization. * Bug #7003: Unable to connect to AD through ldap login module * Bug #7028: association of subnet, domain, templates and resources to organization has no effect via CLI * Refactor #7191: Move API response body logging to enable plugins to skip it * Bug #6497: New Organization: Focus should exist in Name field * Feature #6400: mark required fields in form * Bug #6641: Jenkins is not loading gems, leading to test failures * Bug #5832: too responsive UI when selecting organization * Bug #5679: Using compute_resource_name in API results in undefined method `find_by_to_label' * Bug #6566: renaming a node does not change the certname * Bug #6657: Major/monor version fields should not accept negative integer values while creating OS * Bug #5969: deleting of EC2 guests - confusing message * Bug #5854: org creation non-admin normal user doesn't add the org name in org switcher * Bug #5923: ptable validation trailing spaces incorrectly allows one space * Feature #3272: Separate internal admin account from user admin accounts * Bug #6696: API v2 - specify the key in which the parameters would be wrapped rather than passing model name * Bug #6495: Unable to provision on RHEV 3.3 via templates * Bug #6844: Going to /api/v2 shows API v1 routes rather than v2 * Bug #6891: rake db:seed failure on creating organization * Bug #7061: UI doesn't show browse/upload option to upload a template file * Bug #2972: Incompatibility with jsonp and bundler_ext support * Bug #5945: Role API broken * Bug #6964: Error on startup: "null value in column "user_id" violates not-null constraint" * Bug #7009: N+1 hosts query in dashboard page * Bug #5178: Users API requires parameters to be wrapped * Bug #6768: Hammer set-parameter overwrites existing value when adding new different parameter * Bug #6816: RHEV compute resource without quota fails on creating a vm with "Failed to create a compute" "Internal Engine Error" * Feature #3377: Altlinux Operating Systems Support * Feature #5240: Expose eager-zeroing for vSphere volumes * Feature #5760: Specify VM hardware version for new virtual hosts * Bug #5939: Buttons remain hidden when switching tab during compute profile edit on compute resource page * Feature #5537: Menu/authorization: need alternative to rails controller centric authorization * Bug #5965: oVirt help text for API URL should no longer reference port 8443