# Katello 3.3.2 * Bug #18185: smart proxy refresh throws stackerror * Bug #19461: [regression] host search by organization never finishes but causes mem.leak in foreman process * Bug #18706: Race condition among capsule sync tasks to destroy/create pulp repos * Bug #19222: missing repos names * Bug #19024: Product Names Missing in Activation Keys Menu (3.3.1) * Bug #19010: Unable to delete smart-proxies * Bug #18699: Content host add/remove subscription lists columns span multiple column headers * Bug #18820: Empty name and Version in Composite Content View (WebUI) * Bug #18909: Host searches slow and consume excessive amounts of ram * Bug #19061: uploading facts involves synchronous dynflow task, can cause bottleneck * Bug #18972: clean_backend_objects doesn't handle nil subscription_facet uuids properly * Bug #19078: UI is malformed for Activation Key Subscriptions * Bug #19729: Pulp message bus connection issue After upgrade to 3.3 and also in 3.4 * Bug #18828: Can't publish a content view version with a puppet module * Bug #18883: Passenger RackApp out of memory * Bug #19218: Colums width in Subscription for Content host * Bug #19049: Cannot Create New Lifecycle Environment * Feature #20895: provisiong template @mediapath is static and not picking up content source from host * Bug #17930: unable to add a puppet module from GUI