Bug #19055
closedruncible should support generate applicability call for single consumer
Currently, runcible only supports making an applicability regen call where all of the UUIDs are passed in via POST. This works, but due to the way Pulp works, all of these calls get 'pinned' to the same worker. For example, if you make six calls with six different UUIDs (example: "[A]", "[B]", "[C]", ...), all six of these will get pinned to the same worker. This can make applicability regen very slow.
If you call the applicability regen differently, the call does not get pinned to a worker. See for more detail.
Updated by Chris Duryee almost 8 years ago
- Pull request added
Updated by Chris Duryee almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
PR is merged, marking as closed