

Pan Luo

  • Login: compass
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  • Registered on: 09/19/2013
  • Last connection: 02/27/2014


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07:46 PM Foreman Bug #3126: Cannot start a transaction within a transaction
Sorry, forgot it. I eventually switched to postgres from SQLite as Lukas suggested and the problem is gone. Pan Luo


07:33 PM Foreman Bug #3126: Cannot start a transaction within a transaction
Issue still exists in 1.2.2. Just upgraded 1.3.1 last night and got the same issue this morning.
Started GET "/hos...
Pan Luo


07:07 PM Foreman Bug #3126: Cannot start a transaction within a transaction
How much is the limitation? I only have around 20 hosts and I'm the only user on foreman..
I upgraded to 1.2.2. Th...
Pan Luo
06:23 PM Foreman Bug #3126: Cannot start a transaction within a transaction
This is the full trace unless I need to turn on something.
Here is a few ones with context:
Pan Luo


06:04 PM Foreman Support #3127: Upgrade to Foreman 1.2.2 and web app couldn't start.
Maybe there should be a note in the upgrade guide ( Pan Luo
06:00 PM Foreman Support #3127: Upgrade to Foreman 1.2.2 and web app couldn't start.
Thanks Dominic. Yes I did an gem install because I was getting an missing gem error when I was trying to clear the ca... Pan Luo
12:54 AM Foreman Support #3127 (Resolved): Upgrade to Foreman 1.2.2 and web app couldn't start.
Upgrading formen to 1.2.2 on RHEL 6.4. I got the following error. It seems it couldn't find fast_gettext, however, al... Pan Luo


11:43 PM Foreman Bug #3126 (Resolved): Cannot start a transaction within a transaction
I'm using foreman 1.2.0 and from now and then I randomly got error message saying "We're sorry, but something went wr... Pan Luo

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