



Bug #10367


Updating network interface fails due to PTR already existing

Added by Craig Reeves over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Host creation
Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:



I am experiencing this issue in Foreman 1.7.4 w/ a FreeIPA realm configured (I do not believe that the realm configuration is related as behaviour is the same without.) Foreman is configured on Centos 6.6.

What is happening?
When attempting to update the dns or IP associated with a secondary nic for a host, foreman notifies that the DNS already exists, but fails to present the 'OVERRIDE' button after clicking 'ACK' in the warning dialog.

What is expected to happen?
I am expecting that the warning dialog that the DNS already exists should appear, but the override button should appear after I click ack in the warning dialog followed by being able to click override and any IP or DNS name changes being pushed to the configured DNS server via the configured proxy.

How to reproduce?
  1. Configure 2 DNS zones
  2. Configure 2 subnets (1 for each zone)
  3. Use nsupdate_gss DNS method
  4. prove that dns setup is working by provisioning a host and checking that DNS records are created
  5. create a host with 2 network interfaces
  6. see that the DNS records have been correctly created for both domains and the PTRs
  7. update the IP address of the primary interface (this works after an override which is OK)
  8. update the IP address for the secondary interface (here is where it breaks)
Actions #1

Updated by Dominic Cleal over 9 years ago

  • Category set to Host creation

It would be useful if you could try Foreman 1.8 at some point, as the network configuration for secondary interfaces has changed significantly, with the same UI used for all interfaces. It's quite possible that this bug has been fixed in the process of this change.


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