Bug #10435
closedPublishing an existing CV with a previous deletion of Puppet Environment ends up with Error "Validation failed: Puppet environment can't be blank"
I´m no longer able to publish an existing CV to a new version, I´m getting the Error "Validation failed: Puppet environment can't be blank". I found out that its related to a previous task where I removed for example my YUM Puppet Environments (it was only holding YUM Content without any Puppet Module) from the GUI, now and also after re-importing it from /etc/puppet/environments I got the error...
Steps to Reproduce:
1. create new content view "xxx"
2. publish content view "xxx" to version "1"
3. verify new Enviroment over "GUI" and under "/etc/puppet/environments"
4. publish content view "xxx" to version "2"
5. delete "KT_CESYSTEMS_Library_xxx_11" over GUI in Section "Puppet Environments"
6. try to publish content view "xxx" to version "3"
7. press the button "Import from katello" in Section "Puppet Environments"
8. try to publish content view "xxx" to version "3"
9. remove content view "xxx" completely via GUI
Actual results:
step5: GUI Entry gets deleted, but Directory /etc/puppet/environments/KT_CESYSTEMS_Library_xxx_11 is still existing
step6: Error "Validation failed: Puppet environment can't be blank"
step7: GUI Entry "KT_CESYSTEMS_Library_xxx_11" is back
step8: Error "Validation failed: Puppet environment can't be blank"
step9: Puppet Enviroment is no longer available via GUI, but the Directory /etc/puppet/environments/KT_CESYSTEMS_Library_xxx_11 is still existing
Expected results:
1. prevent such behavior
2. procedure/workaround required in order to fix the issue with the Error (see step 6 and 8)
2. Directory /etc/puppet/environments/KT_CESYSTEMS_Library_xxx_11 should maybe be deleted (see step 5 & 9)
Updated by Christian Ehart almost 10 years ago
- Related to Bug #10460: Prevent puppet environments from being deleted when produced by a content view added
Updated by Christian Ehart almost 10 years ago
- Related to Bug #10459: Don't publish puppet environments for content views without puppet environments added
Updated by Christian Ehart almost 10 years ago
Procedure/Workaround for fixing the issue has been provided under https://gist.github.com/jlsherrill/2dd11592853885643251
Updated by Christian Ehart almost 10 years ago
In addition to the above I think that the Directory Deletion is covered under https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1185838 & https://pulp.plan.io/issues/732
Updated by Eric Helms almost 10 years ago
- Translation missing: en.field_release changed from 51 to 55
Updated by The Foreman Bot almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
- Pull request https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/5255 added
- Pull request deleted (
Updated by Justin Sherrill over 9 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset katello|99c1a67ece5fea9329d73af1dc62380d519a6427.