Bug #18281
openHost class parameter override of smart class parameter unable to save when "fqdn" is not in order list
Having specified a Smart Class Parameter Matcher with only the "network" attribute in the order list, we are unable to create a host-specific override for that parameter.
2017-01-27 08:51:09 6fbe3e2c [app] [I] Failed to save: Match fqdn does not exist in order field
Adding the "fqdn" attribute to the order list of the global Smart Class Parameter, enables us to save host-specific overrides for the parameter again.
Wondering if this behaviour is intended or not.
This seems related to: http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/17238
Updated by Martin Moerch about 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #17238: Able to override Smart Variable for non-existent attribute added
Updated by Martin Moerch about 8 years ago
Martin Moerch wrote:
Adding the "fqdn" attribute to the order list of the global Smart Class Parameter, enables us to save host-specific overrides for the parameter again.
I was too fast in making conclusions. It does save, but the YAML dump shows that the host-specific override still doesn't work.
There are no apparent errors or warnings found in /var/log/foreman/production.log when retrieving YAMl dump for the host.
Updated by Martin Moerch about 8 years ago
Martin Moerch wrote:
Martin Moerch wrote:
Adding the "fqdn" attribute to the order list of the global Smart Class Parameter, enables us to save host-specific overrides for the parameter again.
I was too fast in making conclusions. It does save, but the YAML dump shows that the host-specific override still doesn't work.
There are no apparent errors or warnings found in /var/log/foreman/production.log when retrieving YAMl dump for the host.
Please disregard this comment, it works when "fqdn" attribute is ordered above "network" attribute. doh