Bug #18387
openHost creation via hammer and compute profile on libvirt results on 0 NIC interfaces on the same bridge
Creating a host for a compute resource with an attached compute profile assigned by a hostgroup via command line tool hammer result in a VM having one NIC interface more than specified in the compute profile.
hammer host create --hostgroup 'TestNode' --name "test" --ip "" --compute-attributes="start=1" --provision-method image --compute-resource=libvirt
The compute profile has next to CPU and RAM also a number of NICs specified:
- Interface physical at bridge br0 - primary, provisioning, IP ...
- Interface physical at bridge br1
This compute profile is assigned to a hostgroup 'TestNode' on a compute resource based on libvirt.
After executing the hammer command I expect a VM booting up with 2 NICs (connected to br0 and br1). but insted the VM has alwasy an additional NIC on br0.
This means in total there are 3 NICs:
- specified by compute profile: Interface physical at bridge br0 - primary, provisioning, IP ...
- specified by compute profile: Interface physical at bridge br1
- NOT specified Interface physical at bridge br0
I suppose somehow there is a mechanism always assigning nic to br0 even if there is already a provisioning primary interface specified via the compute profile
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