



Support #20208


Failed puppet run: Dependency 'puppet_runner_impl' is undefined

Added by Mirco Santori over 7 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Target version:
Fixed in Releases:
Found in Releases:


Hello tech people,

this is a weird issue I get while trying to push a manifest against any hosts from the foreman ui.
Ideally, I'd like to kick-off manifests against the host machines from the foreman ui, mcollective was configured on both master and nodes.

The full error message :

Error: failed to execute puppetrun: ERF12-4252 
[ProxyAPI::ProxyException]: Unable to execute Puppet run 
([RestClient::InternalServerError]: 500 Internal Server Error) 
for proxy

and some specs :

puppetserver --version 
puppetserver version: 2.7.2 

puppet --version

rpm -qa | grep foreman

thanks for helping!


foreman.png View foreman.png 49.5 KB Mirco Santori, 07/05/2017 03:54 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Mirco Santori over 7 years ago

  • Category set to Plugins


Actions #2

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

  • Category changed from Plugins to Puppet
Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

Could you post smart-proxy log on DEBUG level please? It would be useful to see both startup messages and messages when the request is made.

Actions #4

Updated by Mirco Santori over 7 years ago

Hi Dmitri, thanks for your reply.

I have just changed the debug level and restarted the foreman-proxy service. Here below the log during its boot (though it might be useful to inspect its configuration) :

I, [2017-07-05T10:21:08.843888 ]  INFO -- : going to shutdown ...
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:08.844207 ]  INFO -- : WEBrick::HTTPServer#start done.
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.384897 ] DEBUG -- : 'dynflow' settings: 'core_url': https://************:8008, 'database': /var/lib/foreman-proxy/dynflow/dynflow.sqlite, 'enabled': https
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.389717 ] DEBUG -- : 'ssh' settings: 'enabled': https, 'local_working_dir': /var/tmp (default), 'remote_working_dir': /var/tmp (default), 'ssh_identity_key_file': /usr/share/foreman-proxy/.ssh/id_rsa_foreman_proxy, 'ssh_user': root (default)
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.399128 ] DEBUG -- : 'tftp' settings: 'enabled': https, 'tftproot': /var/lib/tftpboot (default)
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.423349 ] DEBUG -- : 'puppetca' settings: 'enabled': https, 'puppetdir': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet, 'ssldir': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.430895 ] DEBUG -- : 'puppet' settings: 'enabled': https, 'puppet_provider': mcollective, 'puppet_version': 4.10.4, 'use_provider': [:puppet_proxy_puppet_api]
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.435511 ] DEBUG -- : 'logs' settings: 'enabled': https
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.436087 ] DEBUG -- : Providers ['puppet_proxy_puppet_api'] are going to be configured for 'puppet'
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.530769 ] DEBUG -- : 'puppet_proxy_puppet_api' settings: 'api_timeout': 30 (default), 'classes_retriever': apiv3, 'environments_retriever': apiv3, 'puppet_provider': mcollective, 'puppet_ssl_ca': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem, 'puppet_ssl_cert': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/******.pem, 'puppet_ssl_key': /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/private_keys/*******.pem, 'puppet_url': https://******, 'puppet_version': 4.10.4, 'use_provider': [:puppet_proxy_puppet_api]
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.535518 ]  INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'dynflow'
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.539780 ]  INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'ssh'
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.539994 ]  INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'foreman_proxy'
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.540163 ]  INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'tftp'
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.540364 ]  INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'puppetca'
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.540896 ]  INFO -- : Started puppet class cache initialization
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.541950 ]  INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'puppet_proxy_puppet_api'
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.542496 ]  INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'puppet'
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.543064 ] DEBUG -- : Log buffer API initialized, available capacity: 2000/1000
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.543254 ]  INFO -- : Successfully initialized 'logs'
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.601771 ]  INFO -- : WEBrick 1.3.1
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.602013 ]  INFO -- : ruby 2.0.0 (2015-12-16) [x86_64-linux]
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.602478 ] DEBUG -- :, 8443)
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.602642 ] DEBUG -- :, 8443)
W, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.602840 ]  WARN -- : TCPServer Error: Address already in use - bind(2)
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.603882 ]  INFO -- :
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 2 (0x2)
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption
        Issuer: CN=Puppet CA: *********
            Not Before: Apr 20 14:05:31 2017 GMT
            Not After : Apr 20 14:05:31 2022 GMT
        Subject: CN=******
        Subject Public Key Info:
            Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption
                Public-Key: (4096 bit)
                Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
        X509v3 extensions:
            Netscape Comment:
                Puppet Server Internal Certificate
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:

            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:
                DNS:puppet, DNS:*****
            X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical
            X509v3 Extended Key Usage: critical
                TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
            X509v3 Key Usage: critical
                Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
    Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption

D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.606745 ] DEBUG -- : Rack::Handler::WEBrick is mounted on /.
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.606992 ]  INFO -- : WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=31463 port=8443
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.673519 ] DEBUG -- : Initializing puppet class cache for 'production' environment
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.674234 ] DEBUG -- : Initializing puppet class cache for 'common' environment
D, [2017-07-05T10:21:09.675001 ] DEBUG -- : Initializing puppet class cache for 'development' environment
I, [2017-07-05T10:21:10.923732 ]  INFO -- : Finished puppet class cache initialization

and the log message during the "Run Puppet" execution :

D, [2017-07-05T10:27:50.208647 ] DEBUG -- : accept: ****:51876
D, [2017-07-05T10:27:50.211697 ] DEBUG -- : Rack::Handler::WEBrick is invoked.
D, [2017-07-05T10:27:50.223915 ] DEBUG -- : verifying remote client **** against trusted_hosts ["****"]
E, [2017-07-05T10:27:50.227254 ] ERROR -- : Failed puppet run: Dependency 'puppet_runner_impl' is undefined
D, [2017-07-05T10:27:50.227361 ] DEBUG -- : Failed puppet run: Dependency 'puppet_runner_impl' is undefined
I, [2017-07-05T10:27:50.229299 ]  INFO -- : **** - - [05/Jul/2017:10:27:50 +0200] "POST /puppet/run HTTP/1.1" 500 63 0.0077

D, [2017-07-05T10:27:50.271143 ] DEBUG -- : close: ****:51876

Let me know if you need more and I will be more than happy to provide.


Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Support

Looks like you need to update puppet module's config file: "puppet_provider" is no longer being used, instead "use_provider" should be used. The name of the "mcollective" puppetrun provider is now "puppet_proxy_mcollective".

If this is a source-based installation, you can update smart-proxy configuration by executing "rake migrate_settings".

Actions #6

Updated by Mirco Santori over 7 years ago

The installation was made through yum on CentOS. can you kindly highlight the configuration files I need to change and the command to execute ?

Actions #7

Updated by Mirco Santori over 7 years ago

ok I found this /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/puppet.yml and change its content from puppet_provider mcollective to use_provider ...

Actions #8

Updated by Mirco Santori over 7 years ago

it is now getting better , but still an error arises - Do i need to enable or even change the auth file from the node for incoming connection from the master or viceversa ? That 500 status code made me thing about it ..

D, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.912946 ] DEBUG -- : accept: ****:52496
D, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.916852 ] DEBUG -- : Rack::Handler::WEBrick is invoked.
D, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.930133 ] DEBUG -- : verifying remote client **** against trusted_hosts ["****"]
D, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.931163 ] DEBUG -- : about to execute: ["/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", "root", "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco", "puppet", "runonce", "-I", "****"]
W, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.942662 ]  WARN -- : Non-null exit code when executing '["/usr/bin/sudo", "-u", "root", "/opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco", "puppet", "runonce", "-I", "****"]'
E, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.945912 ] ERROR -- : Failed puppet run: Check Log files
D, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.946044 ] DEBUG -- : Failed puppet run: Check Log files
I, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.948159 ]  INFO -- : **** - - [05/Jul/2017:11:15:11 +0200] "POST /puppet/run HTTP/1.1" 500 34 0.0212

D, [2017-07-05T11:15:11.989391 ] DEBUG -- : close: ****:52496
Actions #9

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

I'm not sure. Check the puppet log; make sure you can execute 'sudo -u root /opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco puppet runonce +I <nodes here>" from under proxy account.

Actions #10

Updated by Anonymous over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
Actions #11

Updated by Daniel Kimsey over 7 years ago

I modified /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.d/puppet.yml:

:use_provider: puppet_proxy_mcollective

I modified /etc/sudoers.d/foreman-proxy:

foreman-proxy ALL = (root) NOPASSWD : /opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco puppet *

And it was still failing. When I tried by hand executing sudo -u foreman-proxy /opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco puppet runonce -I

The Marionette Collective version 2.9.1

Unknown command 'puppet', searched for applications in:


Known commands:

   completion           describe_filter      facts
   find                 help                 inventory
   ping                 plugin               rpc

Type '/opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco help' for a detailed list of commands and '/opt/puppetlabs/bin/mco help command'
to get detailed help for a command


rpm -q puppet-agent puppetserver foreman-proxy

Of which puppet-agent contains:

rpm -qi puppet-agent
Name        : puppet-agent
Version     : 1.8.3
Release     : 1.el7
Architecture: x86_64
Install Date: Wed 25 Jan 2017 09:55:07 AM CST
Group       : System Environment/Base
Size        : 126786488
License     : See components
Signature   : RSA/SHA1, Thu 19 Jan 2017 04:51:00 PM CST, Key ID 7f438280ef8d349f
Source RPM  : puppet-agent-1.8.3-1.el7.src.rpm
Build Date  : Thu 19 Jan 2017 02:43:30 PM CST
Build Host  :
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Vendor      : Puppet Labs
URL         :
Summary     : The Puppet Agent package contains all of the elements needed to run puppet, including ruby, facter, hiera and mcollective.
Description :
The Puppet Agent package contains all of the elements needed to run puppet, including ruby, facter, hiera and mcollective.

Contains the following components:
augeas 1.4.0
cpp-hocon 0.1.4
cpp-pcp-client 1.3.1
curl 7.51.0
dmidecode 2.12
facter 3.5.1
hiera 3.2.2
leatherman 0.10.1
libxml2 2.9.4
libxslt 1.1.29
marionette-collective 2.9.1
openssl 1.0.2j
puppet 4.8.2
puppet-ca-bundle 1.0.7
pxp-agent 1.3.2
ruby-2.1.9 2.1.9
ruby-augeas 0.5.0
ruby-selinux 2.0.94
ruby-shadow 2.3.3
ruby-stomp 1.3.3
rubygem-deep-merge 1.0.1
rubygem-fast_gettext 1.1.0
rubygem-gettext 3.2.2
rubygem-gettext-setup 0.6
rubygem-hocon 0.9.3
rubygem-locale 2.1.2-2
rubygem-net-ssh 2.9.2
rubygem-semantic_puppet 0.1.2
rubygem-text 1.3.1
shellpath 2015-09-18
virt-what 1.14

Actions #12

Updated by Mario Mayerle Filho about 7 years ago

Hello all.
Same problem here. Any help?

Actions #13

Updated by Anonymous about 7 years ago

I suspect that mcollective-specific puppet agent is missing. Puppetlabs changed how agents are installed in Puppet version 4, you may need to install puppet mco agent manually. Please see for more details.


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