Bug #2224
Selecting a RHEV 3.1 template does not work properly
Selecting a template on a RHEV 3.1 cluster causes the an error like below and as a result it appears interfaces and volumes do not populate properly.
Started POST "/compute_resources/1-phx1-soc-rhev/hardware_profile_selected" for at Tue Feb 19 15:05:43 -0500 2013
Processing by ComputeResourcesController#hardware_profile_selected as
Parameters: {"hwp_id"=>"d9e12cb0-b0eb-4967-910d-f4317ba3ef88", "id"=>"1-phx1-soc-rhev"}
Operation FAILED: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass
Rendered common/500.rhtml (6.4ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 444ms (Views: 9.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)
Updated by Ohad Levy almost 12 years ago
- Category set to Compute resources
- Assignee set to Amos Benari
- Target version set to 1.2.0
Updated by Amos Benari almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need more information
Could not reproduce. Can you please add the error from foreman log?
If the issue can be reproduced, please also add steps to reproduce.
Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago
The output I listed is what I am seeing in the logs. I sent the full production.log over for your review.
I set up a new server and pointed it at an Ovirt 3.2/Fedora 18 setup I have and I see the same thing.
Updated by Ohad Levy almost 12 years ago
can you please enable debug and send the full production log?
Updated by Ohad Levy almost 12 years ago
btw: i did not see the log in the ticket
Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago
- File production.log production.log added
Attached production.log with debug enabled.
By the way, Foreman is runnning on RHEL 6, in case it makes a difference. I can probably provision a server running on Fedora tomorrow just to make sure it's not something distro specific.
Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago
Doing this makes it work, the template info populates, and I can provision, but I have no idea what removing it breaks.
--- /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rbovirt-0.0.15/lib/ovirt/volume.rb.orig 2013-02-22 09:28:45.000000000 -0500
+++ /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rbovirt-0.0.15/lib/ovirt/volume.rb 2013-02-22 09:28:56.000000000 -0500
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
@format = (xml/'format').first.text
@sparse = (xml/'sparse').first.text
@status = (xml/'status').first.text
- @vm = Link::new(@client, (xml/'vm').first[:id], (xml/'vm').first[:href])
+ # @vm = Link::new(@client, (xml/'vm').first[:id], (xml/'vm').first[:href])
Updated by Anonymous almost 12 years ago
I found the 'what it breaks'; the vm name does not get set properly in rhev. ends up being something like foreman_XXXXXXX where the X's are numbers.
Updated by Amos Benari almost 12 years ago
- Status changed from Need more information to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset c2096fe06c6095d6d2d7c7fe1803701926a3b93d.