Bug #24384
openInitial message from request does not have request/session ID
It looks like the very first message from request does not have request and session ID set. I can only reproduce this on Foreman 1.18 and not develop, looks like something changed.
Wed 2018-07-25 14:23:11.655367 BST [s=9089292e04d14210b90ef9a91ee623a4;i=4017;b=05e4cce6965c4b3f85052935aa3798dc;m=15f8c5c5d;t= PRIORITY=6 _SYSTEMD_SLICE=system.slice _BOOT_ID=05e4cce6965c4b3f85052935aa3798dc _MACHINE_ID=ce37bff78932646b63dbb85e691a3808 _HOSTNAME=next.nat.lan _TRANSPORT=journal _CAP_EFFECTIVE=0 _SYSTEMD_CGROUP=/system.slice/httpd.service _SYSTEMD_UNIT=httpd.service _UID=993 _GID=991 SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=foreman SYSLOG_FACILITY=176 FOREMAN_LOGGER=app _COMM=ruby _EXE=/opt/rh/rh-ruby24/root/usr/bin/ruby _SELINUX_CONTEXT=system_u:system_r:passenger_t:s0 _PID=2761 _CMDLINE=Passenger RackApp: /usr/share/foreman MESSAGE=Started GET "/widgets/71" for at 2018-07-25 14:23:11 +0100 _SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1532524991655367
The next message in the request already have those ids set:
Wed 2018-07-25 14:23:11.660500 BST [s=9089292e04d14210b90ef9a91ee623a4;i=4018;b=05e4cce6965c4b3f85052935aa3798dc;m=15f8c7aa9;t= PRIORITY=6 _SYSTEMD_SLICE=system.slice _BOOT_ID=05e4cce6965c4b3f85052935aa3798dc _MACHINE_ID=ce37bff78932646b63dbb85e691a3808 _HOSTNAME=next.nat.lan _TRANSPORT=journal _CAP_EFFECTIVE=0 _SYSTEMD_CGROUP=/system.slice/httpd.service _SYSTEMD_UNIT=httpd.service _UID=993 _GID=991 SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=foreman SYSLOG_FACILITY=176 FOREMAN_LOGGER=app _COMM=ruby _EXE=/opt/rh/rh-ruby24/root/usr/bin/ruby _SELINUX_CONTEXT=system_u:system_r:passenger_t:s0 _PID=2761 _CMDLINE=Passenger RackApp: /usr/share/foreman REMOTE_IP= SESSION=9c3aca5b-23c3-4ab0-9f88-b1219acf1975 MESSAGE=Processing by DashboardController#show as HTML REQUEST=8b96f8bd-898d-41cb-a347-dcd3d7a853e5 _SOURCE_REALTIME_TIMESTAMP=1532524991660500
I am trying this with Foreman 1.18.
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 6 years ago
REMOTE_IP is missing as well, if I add debug line to the lib/middleware/logging_context.rb I see that Rails logs this BEFORE this middleware is called.
2018-07-25T15:31:02 info app Started GET "/" for at 2018-07-25 15:31:02 +0100 2018-07-25T15:31:02 5ba9652d info app Setting request: 5ba9652d-3091-4676-9bea-f077c6596fa2 2018-07-25T15:31:02 5ba9652d info app Processing by DashboardController#index as HTML
Updated by Lukas Zapletal over 6 years ago
I think it was always like this, so this is not a regression.
We can improve our logging stack by supporting tagging in our logger implementation: https://blog.bigbinary.com/2016/06/28/rails-5-supports-logging-errors-with-tagged-logging.html
Rails 5+ makes use of that:
if logger.respond_to?(:tagged) logger.tagged(compute_tags(request)) { call_app(request, env) } else
then we would simply put request_id into list of tags to be sent along with all requests, this would replace our logging_context.rb implementation. Tags can be strings or Proc objects so it can be evaluated to anything.