Bug #26899
closedKubevirt CR not available
Cloned from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1712824
Description of problem:
In current snap, there should be Kubevirt available as a CR. However, it is not:
1) # rpm qa | grep -i kubevirt[no-]enable-foreman-compute-ec2 Enable 'foreman_compute_ec2' puppet module (default: false)
2) In WebUI, when creating a new CR, type Kubevirt is not available
3) # satellite-installer --help | grep -i enable-foreman-compute
--[no-]enable-foreman-compute-gce Enable 'foreman_compute_gce' puppet module (default: false)
--[no-]enable-foreman-compute-libvirt Enable 'foreman_compute_libvirt' puppet module (default: false)
--[no-]enable-foreman-compute-openstack Enable 'foreman_compute_openstack' puppet module (default: false)
--[no-]enable-foreman-compute-ovirt Enable 'foreman_compute_ovirt' puppet module (default: false)
--[no-]enable-foreman-compute-rackspace Enable 'foreman_compute_rackspace' puppet module (default: false)
--[no-]enable-foreman-compute-vmware Enable 'foreman_compute_vmware' puppet module (default: false)
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Tested on Sat 6.6 snap 3 but is probably also issue of all previous snaps
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1) In WebUI, try to create a new CR (Infrastructure -> Compute Resources) of type Kubevirt
Actual results:
Type Kubevirt not available
Expected results:
Type Kubevirt available, settings in satellite-installer available, foreman-kubevirt package installed
Additional info:
Kubevirt CR is a new feature in Sat 6.6
Updated by Shira Maximov over 5 years ago
- Pull request https://github.com/theforeman/hammer-cli-foreman-kubevirt/pull/12 added
Updated by Moti Asayag over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready For Testing
Updated by Moti Asayag over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Ready For Testing to Closed