Feature #27409
closedInitial support for running dynflow work on separate workers using Sidekiq
This issue is meant for MVP work to be done and the goal is ability to run the actions code in separate workers processes.
It should preserve the original intenral-workers model while allowing to run in the new model.
The scope if this card is to deliver the absolute minimum to that the rest of the work can be build on top of it while the initial changes would be already merged into master
Updated by Ivan Necas over 5 years ago
- Pull request added
Updated by Ivan Necas over 5 years ago
- Blocks Tracker #27408: Dynflow workers extraction to separate processes added
Updated by Adam Ruzicka over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Assignee set to Ivan Necas
- Fixed in Releases dynflow-1.4.0 added