Feature #29820
openAdd ability to have a "hook" that is dedicated to defining new parameters to the installer
Today, we use the boot hook to create new parameters to the installer. Given that creating a new parameter and then executing some chunk of code based on that parameters value is a first class citizen of the installer, could we build support into Kafo for this?
For example:
https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-installer/blob/develop/katello/hooks/boot/11-clear_pulp_data_hook.rb defines the option for clearing pulp data
https://github.com/theforeman/foreman-installer/blob/develop/katello/hooks/pre/11-clear_pulp_data_feature.rb defines the action to take if that option is set
One benefit of this could be finding a way to build in :noop support directly instead of having to remember to check for it.
Updated by Eric Helms almost 5 years ago
- Related to Tracker #29746: Merge hooks/ and katello/hooks into a single directory structure added
Updated by Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden almost 5 years ago
I don't see how. A parameter can be used in any stage, but clamp must be configured before execution starts. You can't parse the CLI and later on decide an additional parameter should be added.
In theory you can add options like "do this in the pre hook phase", but that just kills all the visibility of the pre phase. The order will also become complicated.
https://github.com/theforeman/kafo#hooks defines the stages and this just works well for me.
As for noop, we can implement a noop? helper as a shortcut for app_value(:noop).