

Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

  • Login: ekohl
  • Registered on: 07/02/2012
  • Last sign in: 02/19/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 45 525 570
Reported issues 87 512 599


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Developer 04/12/2023
Installer Manager, Developer 09/20/2013
Packaging Developer 04/12/2023
SELinux Developer 04/12/2023
Smart Proxy Developer 04/12/2023
Foreman Maintain Developer 04/12/2023
Hammer CLI Developer 04/12/2023
Kafo Manager 08/20/2018
Plugins Developer 04/12/2023
ABRT Developer 04/12/2023
Ansible Developer 04/12/2023
Boot disk Developer 04/12/2023
Chef Developer 04/12/2023
DigitalOcean Developer 04/12/2023
Discovery Developer 04/12/2023
Docker Developer 04/12/2023
Foreman Remote Execution Developer 04/12/2023
receptor plugin Developer 04/12/2023
foreman-tasks Developer 04/12/2023
foreman_setup Developer 04/12/2023
Infoblox Developer 04/12/2023
Katello Developer 04/12/2023
Hammer CLI CSV Developer 04/12/2023
Hammer CLI Import Developer 04/12/2023
Packaging Developer 04/12/2023
Runcible Developer 04/12/2023
KubeVirt Developer 04/12/2023
MCollective Developer 04/12/2023
OpenNebula Developer 04/12/2023
OpenSCAP Developer 04/12/2023
Salt Developer 04/12/2023
Templates Developer 04/12/2023
virt-who configure Developer 04/12/2023
Xen Developer 04/12/2023
Website Developer 08/30/2018



09:16 AM Ansible Revision 9aa99851 (foreman_ansible): i18n - pulling from tx
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


11:45 AM Discovery Revision 07f2b1fc (foreman_discovery): i18n - pulling from tx
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
08:16 AM Foreman Remote Execution Revision d057523a (foreman_plugin): Use sentence case for abort button task
The patternfly style guide prefers Sentence case instead of Title Case.
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


04:15 PM virt-who configure Revision 13c4405f (foreman_virt_who_configure): Sync locale Makefile from plugin template
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
04:15 PM virt-who configure Revision 260ec64e (foreman_virt_who_configure): i18n - pulling from tx
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


10:00 AM Installer Feature #38279 (Closed): Use stricter ciphers for Mosquitto
Applied in changeset commit:puppet-foreman_proxy|af2399591c10146d060bc3fa2d4e12bc45576c86. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
09:25 AM Installer Revision af239959 (puppet-foreman_proxy): Fixes #38279 - Respect crypto-policies in mosquitto on EL
The default built in ciphers can be less secure. On Red Hat there is the
special cipher that's PROFILE=SYSTEM where O...
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


02:37 PM Hammer CLI Revision 83a3738c: Use actions/checkout@v4
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
02:37 PM Hammer CLI Revision f6b4a8a7: Fix Gemspec/OrderedDependencies cop
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
02:37 PM Hammer CLI Revision 88c14e37: Add base64 and csv dependencies for Ruby 3.4 compatibility
The base64 dependency really should be in oauth, but this is a
workaround until it is.
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

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