

Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

  • Login: ekohl
  • Registered on: 07/02/2012
  • Last sign in: 10/06/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 44 498 542
Reported issues 87 487 574


Project Roles Registered on
Foreman Developer 04/12/2023
Installer Manager, Developer 09/20/2013
Packaging Developer 04/12/2023
SELinux Developer 04/12/2023
Smart Proxy Developer 04/12/2023
Foreman Maintain Developer 04/12/2023
Hammer CLI Developer 04/12/2023
Kafo Manager 08/20/2018
Plugins Developer 04/12/2023
ABRT Developer 04/12/2023
Ansible Developer 04/12/2023
Boot disk Developer 04/12/2023
Chef Developer 04/12/2023
DigitalOcean Developer 04/12/2023
Discovery Developer 04/12/2023
Docker Developer 04/12/2023
Foreman Remote Execution Developer 04/12/2023
receptor plugin Developer 04/12/2023
foreman-tasks Developer 04/12/2023
foreman_setup Developer 04/12/2023
Infoblox Developer 04/12/2023
Katello Developer 04/12/2023
Hammer CLI CSV Developer 04/12/2023
Hammer CLI Import Developer 04/12/2023
Packaging Developer 04/12/2023
Runcible Developer 04/12/2023
KubeVirt Developer 04/12/2023
MCollective Developer 04/12/2023
OpenNebula Developer 04/12/2023
OpenSCAP Developer 04/12/2023
Salt Developer 04/12/2023
Templates Developer 04/12/2023
virt-who configure Developer 04/12/2023
Xen Developer 04/12/2023
Website Developer 08/30/2018



01:29 PM Packaging Revision cd4bef72 (foreman-packaging): Refs #37486 - Update ruby-redfish-client to 0.6.0
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
01:29 PM Packaging Revision 761a800f (foreman-packaging): Refs #37486 - Update rubygem-redfish_client to 0.6.0
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
12:17 PM Installer Revision e4fc6826 (installer): Refs #37604 - Normalize DNS forwarders to an array
Previously the documentation showed an example that abused an internal
implementation detail that's no longer allowed...
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


02:46 PM Foreman Bug #37352: Foreman unable to launch virtual console from Foreman provisioned guests on EL9 KVM/Libvirt host set_password failure
It's maybe a much simpler bug and is the resolution. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden


06:00 PM Katello Refactor #37632 (Closed): Drop useKatelloDocUrl and replace with Foreman's getDocsURL
Applied in changeset commit:katello|e99f9e93a3578886e13f9bb451e14c3d637c6880. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
05:13 PM Katello Revision e99f9e93 (katello): Fixes #37632 - Use getDocsURL instead of useKatelloDocUrl
In d400e3996f068841259b6d4274288f547e7a5f06 a useKatelloDocUrl helper
was introduced. This should have never been int...
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
12:00 PM Foreman Feature #37614 (Closed): Use SHA512 for root password hashing when no OS is set
Applied in changeset commit:foreman|e78bd159584f2f8d09b3d57ab94615a2ae26ecb7. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
11:47 AM Foreman Revision e78bd159 (foreman): Fixes #37614 - Use SHA512 for password hashing when no OS is set
In e2dee7d6f7ffb505d317ca1b205f302ccd622063 the default for new
operating systems was changed to SHA512, but there's ...
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
08:00 AM OpenSCAP Refactor #37642 (Closed): Drop compatibility with smart_proxy_openscap < 0.6.1
Applied in changeset commit:foreman_openscap|38421d4787abff3e648b12020617796a0e564708. Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
07:41 AM OpenSCAP Revision 38421d47 (foreman_openscap): Fixes #37642 - Drop compatibility with smart_proxy_openscap < 0.6.1
If this was still needed, we could use capabilities and easily check
this statically but version 0.6.1 was released i...
Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

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